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Were you ever stupid enough to...

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Disclaimer: Don't do what is explained below.


When you were younger, were you ever stupid enough to put a magnet against a TV or computer monitor to see the purdy colors? I was, I did it to both my monitor and TV when I was younger. Now the TV screen distorts colors in one spot sometimes, not all the time but whenever it displays the same color on the messed up spot for a long time. And my Computer monitor is almost clear, just some small darkness on the left side, nothing immediately noticeable though.








PS... If you were stupid enough to do it as you read that above, don't blame me for permanent damage to your electronics.


Thus concludes you physics lesson for today, magnets mess up electronics. Why? Because electricity and magnetism are the same. Electromagnetism is the field that studies such interactions.


XD (I couldn't get this outta my head, discuss?)


ugh yuck, I just had an exam on electromagnetism last week. I don't like it. Theres my discussion. :P And no, I never put any magnets next to my electronics when I was younger (or now either!) :)


I have never thought of doing this when I was young, the most that I do when I was young is to put the magnet on a fridge :P


I have never done that before. But I once had a TV that already had that green spot in the corner of the screen, so I tried using a magnet to get rid of it, like to move it out of the frame. And it worked.

I have never done that before. But I once had a TV that already had that green spot in the corner of the screen, so I tried using a magnet to get rid of it, like to move it out of the frame. And it worked.

That's what I did to my TV, though I don't recommend it cause it made it worse for a while then faded.


I've never ruined any electronics that way, but I did break a compass by running on magnet under it. While in the bush, in serious need of a working compass. D'oh. <_<


Where did you get such a smart idea from Levy? I don't think I have ever thought of doing that to my PC or TV :S


I dunno, I guess I just figured out that this sorta thing happened...


Lols.. people do silly things all the time, but it never crossed my mind to do that with a magnet, cause I wouldn't have thought it would stick to my monitor :S


A friend told me a story once about a substitute he had for his agriculture class. Apparently, this guy was as dumb as a sack of diapers. He tried to put a VHS tape in the DVD player. The thing wasn't even open, the sub kept trying to shove the tape into the DVD square! That's a whole other kind of stupid there... Not only did he mistake the DVD player for a VHS player, he couldn't distinguish the fact that the VHS tape was simply too big to fit. XD


^^^^^^ o_O I don't think I know anyone that dumb!!!


There are some pretty stupid people in the world... wouldn't expect one to be teaching a class...


Putting other electronics on top each other will do that as well. I had my alarm clock on top my TV and couldn't figure out why the TV had odd colors in the corner of it. Then my boyfriend told me that electronics should never be on top of each other, he moved the alarm clock and the colors were gone! Also, magnets will also destroy credit cards and debit cards...if you didn't know that. I've had a debit card deactivated because of a magnet before.


I have my DISH receiver on top of my DVD player and I have no problems. I have also noticed that some pocket knives and screwdrivers have a bit of magnetism to them.


As the kind of guy responsible for taking care of all the electronics in the family, I don't really do that kind of thing, as I know what kind of damage it can do. :P


There is a technique that can be used to try and stop damage to electronics and such by magnets, outlined on this Wikipedia article. It's not used on everything though, and it's not foolproof either (trust me on that one).


I don't think I've ever done anything like that, but my brother once put a gamecube game in my VHS player, then couldn't remember where he put it. We found it months later. x_x


Well I'm going to give a random quote on the subject of stupidity: "If you create an idiot-proof system, the world will create a better idiot."


I have it right here. It's a can called "Idiot-be-gone". It not only fixes the problem, it prevents other problems from ever happening! Buy today! *tomakeyourpaymentofninehundredthousanddollarsandonecentpleasesendyourmoneynonot



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