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So I'm new to the whole layouts bit, but I figured I'd be fine since I'm good with coding. Well, I was right and wrong. I'm not having any problem understanding the coding, but I'm having a heck of a time finding a good neo-related background image. I see all these cool ones that people have, and I'm just left wondering where they got it. I've looked through the background, images, and layouts that Neopets has available, and I haven't found anything I liked, but of all the unique ones I've seen, there's no way they were all drawn from scratch. So they have to have found base images somewhere, to tweak, edit, combine, etc. Am I looking in the wrong place? Can someone point me in the right direction?

Oh, and to be a little more specific, I'm looking for some sort of forest/field image, and some cool pet images that aren't animated.


I use the backgrounds and the press kit mostly... here are the links:



Press Kit

Collectable Card Images


The other thing is Google Images. If you search as site:images.neopets.com SEARCH then it will search Neopets' image servers for whatever you're looking for :)


Otherwise, do you have links to the unique ones so I can see? I spend a lot of time searching through Neopets images so I will probably know where they came from lol


Caption pictures can be good too! They are very entertaining!


A not-quite-so-professional technique I've seen used is to actually go to the image on the site and screenie it for your use. :yes: I wouldn't recommend it so much though, as the quality of the result isn't as good.


Isabel: Thanks for the image finding tips. I never knew that Google did stuff like that, and I've found a lot of stuff that way, thanks. Hey are some of the unique ones I've seen:




http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?place=152 (the background)



Xepha: I didn't think of checking out the captions pictures. I'll give them a look-see.


Sky Shadow: I'd thought about doing screenies, but you're right, the quality was crappy.


Thanks Guys. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to throw them my way! :)


All the ones that you linked were workind in photoshop. (cutting pictures, adding background pattern or other details...) So they are composition work rather than copy/paste of an existing picture.

Isabel: Thanks for the image finding tips. I never knew that Google did stuff like that, and I've found a lot of stuff that way, thanks. Hey are some of the unique ones I've seen:




http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?place=152 (the background)



All of those got their base images from the Neopets backgrounds... the first one is from here. The user has just took the Shoyru from there and made the rest. The next one (#155) the two Scorchios are from here and here. The Chocolate Chia one is a background too, here. Finally the last one is based off this image.


Ok, I have another question. So I found some images I like, did some editing, uploaded them to Photobucket, then threw up some quick codes on my layout to see if they lined up right. Well, it was way off, and I'm sitting here thinking, 'What did I do wrong?' The answer? I didn't do anything wrong, photobucket resized my image... So photobucket is out, do you have any suggestions for an image uploader that won't resize my images?

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