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I saw this in the paper this week and thought it was a good debate topic.

Should the Death penalty return?



I think it should. there are crimes I see in the paper/tv/radio many crimes, and I think to myself, "jail is too good for them".

The law abiding citizen pays tax, and for what, to fund for the nice cushy jails. They're not perfect, but it is still good.


There is only one suggestion, Bring back the death penalty. It will teach all these people (even the 15 yr old etc) If they kill someone, their life should be taken away. (An eye for an eye)


The most recent case i seen is that a Gang of 3, has been jailed for at least 15 years, for killing someone with a learning disability for a £5 bet.


Or even this 18 year old:



All those offenses, still escapes jail, most likely do it again, If they knew they were facing a lethal injection, or being hanged, I'm sure they would think twice.


There are no facts, but from my experience (from news etc), more teenagers are getting into crime than then they were afew years back.



99% of 95,000 believe it should be brought back.


There are some quotes from this article which I agree with.

Is it right that the killers of our beautiful son will be released next year after only serving three years in prison? Of course it isn't€™t.


Once they draw blood they should be put down. I wish this was America and we had the lethal injection.â€


Builder Mike Wright was stunned to learn of his dad’s crimes. He told The Sun: “My father took those girls’ lives. They should take his as well.â€


Even family members of criminals think it should be brought back.


What do you think?

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While I agree that jail is too good for some people, for many it isn't.


I've heard of too many stories about innocent people who have been put on death row, sure it is rare, but the Justice System isn't always correct. What about them? It could happen to anyone. Also, what about people who repent? Sure they did the crime and they'll do the time, but is murdering them going to solve anything? People make mistakes, it's human nature and they should learn from their mistakes, but how can you learn from your mistakes if you're dead? Young people make mistakes all the time, but should they have their life taken from them because of it? Sure, the death penalty works in some cases, but in others it just seems unfair to me.


Also I think the term 'an eye for an eye' is terrible. Many wars have been started because of revenge. Revenge is a terrible thing and shouldn't be used as a punishment for crimes in my opinion. Taking the life of somebody else is a horrible thing to do, but I think revenge should be left out of it.


Of course this is just my opinion and I'm sure different people will disagree with me, but I am pretty adamant on my views about this matter.


I am pretty indecisive on this point, so I can still be convinced, but here's my rough opinion:


I consider the death penalty an unnecessary measure because a properly executed jail sentence is actually worse than a death sentence. In the case of a death sentence, you spend a short time on death roe and then you die. That's it (of course there's heaven/hell or whatever depending on what you believe, but that's a whole different justice system).


On the other hand, if you are sentenced to, say, 10 years in prison, that's 10 years where you're pretty much stuck with nothing much to do but think about what you did wrong. I personally find the prospect of 10 years without being able to get out and about or continue with proper education (and limited computer access :sick01: ) much more daunting than a death sentence.


However, if you're some kind of psychopath that means that you get 10 years to consider all sorts of ways to get revenge, get yourself really worked up, and basically have your mind messed up beyond all hope of proper recovery...


Yeah, I'm not really decided on this at the moment.

because a properly executed jail sentence is actually worse than a death sentence. In the case of a death sentence, you spend a short time on death roe and then you die. That's it (of course there's heaven/hell or whatever depending on what you believe, but that's a whole different justice system).


Jail used to be worse than death row, but now, Jail is like a holiday camp. If they brought chain gangs back (work along the motorway etc) It may be worse, but at the moment, it's not a true punishment for criminals.


Well I guess that's true... *shrugs* I haven't really researched jails that much, so I don't know a lot about the conditions there.


I just want to make my point very simple. We want peace, but to achieve peace we need to stop violence. We say murder is wrong, but then we have the right to murder those who are murderers? Then we also become murderers. I think they should set a life sentence without parole and that will prevent them from committing the crime again.


I agree with Theo. I am pretty indescive. Like Murderers need to be punished. and some seriously have no remorse. but others do. Its hard to tell. Also you can wrongly convict a person of murder which has happened numerous times. and you could've killed an innocent person. So it all depends


I like what Ellie said, I think the death penalty isn't solving anything.


Murdering the murderers isn't getting us anywhere, it just means that more people end up dead.

I like what Ellie said, I think the death penalty isn't solving anything.


Murdering the murderers isn't getting us anywhere, it just means that more people end up dead.

I'm still neutral, just pointing something out: if a murderer is released in a condition where he/she intends to murder again, even more people could end up dead.

I'm still neutral, just pointing something out: if a murderer is released in a condition where he/she intends to murder again, even more people could end up dead.



You are right, which is why I talked about giving a life sentence without parole to murderers. However, as it was mentioned before, they need to make sure the right person is being sentenced. Technically, those who perform the death penalty are murderers. And they don't really have a "motive".


That is true... I wonder what it must feel like to be somebody carrying out the death penalty.


Well usually it's lots of people doing it as far as I know. I suppose the type of person that would get into that type of job would probably be glad. They'd probably think they were doing the world some sort of fantastic justice. No offense to any executioners out there, but I'm sure that someone doesn't wind up in that kind of job by accident. They would believe that the world is better off without the criminal who is being killed.


Of course I don't personally know any executioners, but I'm just saying that they probably wouldn't wind up in a job killing criminals unless they really believed it was the right thing to do.


That's correct, however, just because you believe it's the right thing to do doesn't mean you're happy about it.


I know, happy was the wrong word to use there. I meant that they aren't deeply shocked by it (well they could be) and they are doing what they think is right. They wouldn't be happy, but they probably wouldn't be completely overwhelmed either. If they were then they would just have to get a new job, simple as that.


That's true, but I still think they'd feel sick deep down. It's human nature.


Well, I'm pretty sure they're comfortable doing it. No one can force you to do that type of job. And I doubt money is the issue because, you can earn enough working anywhere else that doesn't involve killing.


I agree that they'd be comfortable with it, since they feel they are doing the world a service, but my point is that they would probably still feel sick about the fact that they are killing somebody, deep in their subconscious.

  • 1 month later...
That's true, but I still think they'd feel sick deep down. It's human nature.


You say it is human nature, I disagree to a point. The majourity of people would feel sick deep inside, like you or me, but you have people out there who would not feel even slightly guilty.


I am half and half on the death penalty. I agree that killing someone because they killed or raped someone is wrong, an eye for an eye and all that.

But then I look around me and if anyone ever touched my child, mother, father, brothers, sisters or partner I don't think I would feel any guilt in seeing them die! We all sit here an discuss this, but how many of us have actually been affected by these types of people? Prison is too good for some of these people (come to NZ, they now have TV's in their cells) and the life sentance (well over here atleast) is only 12.5 years! How can you call that life? For the people they hurt, lifes they destroyed etc it is nothing.


I have seen the documentaries on TV about he men and women who have been wrongly accused and are sitting on death row, or have been killed for crimes they did not commit, but I have also witnessed people greive over their murdered family member, or their raped child.


I think that one major thing should change, if you take away someones life or you rape a person or child, you should have no human rights. So fine put them in a prison.. but take away their rights, they took away someone elses.


Yes, I do agree that jailed people should probably have significantly less rights than they have at the moment...


um ive been around rape victims. They were my former friends. There rapists never got a day in jail. and honestly ive looked around and i would want them in jail and have to pay for any and all medical fees they would have to get but never wish them dead


What if it was your child? Would that make you feel any different?


Honestly ive thought about rape alot in my life.

and id never want a rapist dead. Just to the fact that they have a worse life alive then dead.


people hate rapist more the murderers


I was listening to an aquantence of mine the other day (he has been in jail) and I thought it was kind of ironic.. But if you are a pedafile and you go to prison, you will be treated so badly by the other inmates, beaten, raped, sometimes even killed, even criminals have some morals and they can't stand pedafiles. So I guess that is a good thing, and yes I do see where you are coming from. But I think being a mother that I just couldn't bare it, to see the person walk the street or only get put away for 5-10 years, when my childs life is ruined.


But also think that person once it gets out they raped word'll get out and no one will want to talk to him


That is true... but is that truly enough punishment for what they did?

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