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The Big Cheese

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Guest Public Enemy #1 Levy

/\ Vanilla

< But, I'm not too fond of Ice-cream.

\/ What's your name and friend code on Pokemon DP? (If you don't got one then just put a '--')

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^ Only if I can find enough time.

< *Is very busy with MoTA and exams*

v Is the Daily Dare or the plot your highest priority on Neopets?

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^ They are the only thing I do on Neo (which isn't much)

< I guess zapping my pet is a priority

v How easy was today's Daily Dare?

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^ Once.

< I sucked badly at it though...

v Is there something you are really bad at?

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^ I could do it for a period of time after I did something bad to it (can't remember what) to when I got it fixed at a chiropractor (about 4 months).

< It grossed people out. It was cool.

v Most awesome piece of technology you own?

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^ a have a few

< currently "borrowing" the phrase: Failure is success rounded down ^.^

v having a bad hair day?

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^ Nope

< My hair always does the same thing everyday, don't even have to brush it

v What color would you dye your mohawk if you had one (or what color is it if you do have one)?

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^ Erm... I wouldn't bother dying it. :P

< *Has finished 2/3 exams*

v Are you in a good mood right now?

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^ oh yeah!

< gots me a date to my debs ^.^ just as friends but still ^.^

v what's the most recent item of clothing you bought?

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^ Never tried.

< Too busy blowing up the pool. :devil:

v Is it windy outside right now?

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^ Maths? Hard? o_O

< :glasses02:

v Name one thing in the world you absolutely detest.

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^ hmm...physics classes!

< between 40 and 110 mins of sitting on my own doing exam questions -.-'

v how many days til your bday?

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^ Yes, but right now it is shrinking rapidly. ^_^

< My to-do list includes going through all the new posts on TDN. :P

v What do you think of my writing here?

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^ Yes.

< You have to as a commanding DOOM agent.

v Are you successful?

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^ Not bad...

< Not incredibly good either...

v Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

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