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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ I wouldn't go to any countries that is in war...

< I'm tired to always listen at the same songs...

v Could you please name a song that I should absolutely download?

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^ I would if it happened, but this is a tropical country.

< And if you meant the other kind of freeze, I maintain my computer meticulously, so I can't remember if it's ever frozen before.

v Can you sing?

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^ Either, depending on what you're doing.

< I find doing something in pencil and then going over in pen to be a handy but tedious technique.

v Chess or checkers?

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^ Yeah my poor pc has been neglected since I got a whole load of games for my ds

< Homework didn't help either

v Did you get/think you'll get homework on your 1st day back? (if you're in school)

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^Mr. Boeckman, I had him in 6th grade and I have him this year as well, he gives a lot to do, but they are all very useful in the long run and he lets us throw papers at people who are misbehaving :P

<Is sad because birthday is ending soon, but happy because of six flags tomorrow.

V Is your birthday in September?

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^ Go read a book or watch a movie

< You made another typo :P

v What's the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the word 'potato'?

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^ Bored enough to try and read a dictionary.

< Contrary to popular belief I don't do it very often.

v Do you like dictionaries?

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^ they can be useful sometimes

< hehe I'm making my costume for halloween already!

v are you?

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^ The Windows XP default theme - it's actually pretty good for once.

< *is sticking with XP for now*

v Would you prefer a laptop or a desktop?

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^ I've never had it

< is it actually blue? o_O

v Ever made an excuse to get out of the house when you have family over, only to realise you have nowhere to go?

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