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Remember that Neopets Research Project?

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Wazzzzzzup everyone! Remember that Neopets research project I posted about a long time ago? Well, the results are in! Thanks to everyone who helped here at the Daily Neopets, we were able to secure about 170+ surveys! Like many of you know already, TDN was probably the best idea I had with respect to the research project!


Anyway, the project isn't over. We're now moving onto interviews! I think we're gonna do either online interviews, in-person interviews, or phone interviews (probably whichever is convenient to the interviewee). So once again, I need your guys' help! Shoot me an email and let me know if you can help. Otherwise, just say what's up hahaha.


How was everyone's break? (If you guys think this thread is in the wrong forum, let me know.)


I don't see any problem with this thread being in the Neopets help forum.


And I'd be happy to help. :D


I probably missed an episode... but what is this research about ? o.O


Great, I'm glad TDN made a good spot for your surveys.


I will help you, if needed, in the next step of your research. Just PM me as usual. My inbox is always open. ;)


@Xepha - It was a research project that started off with quite a long survey about your Neopets habits, likes and dislikes. And now it's continuing, as far as I know. :) Some interested people were PMed if they reveled interest, to participate in that project, and I believe some TDN members were part of the first part (the surveys, me included). :)


Right, I definitely missed that episode XD!


Well, I'm willing to help so feel free to PM me about it.


I didn't see the first part of this (oops) but I'll be happy to help as well!


Forgive me if it seems like I'm butting in, but I would also like to be interviewed. Can we set up our own date for the interview? (I'd hate for it to be at an inconvenient time.)


I'd be happy to help out again too :) PM or email me or whatever lol


Also, if you want me to ask on Charter again for more people just let me know!


I'll help out (I wasn't in the first part though)


Just PM me about it :)


I'm up for an interview. The first part was tiring, though. Maybe you could have split it up into two or three surveys? ;)

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