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As some of you will have know, because I've been testing the riddles for it, I've been writing a plot for my guild called the Triwizard Tournament :) Yes, its Harry Potter themed. I've finished the actual written part of it and now I'd like you lot to be the guinea pigs for it, so that I know it works okay.


There will be prizes, I'm not asking you to do it for nothing - in fact, it'll run here just as an ordinary plot or contest would, except that you'll be asked to find any typos or mistakes I might have made (and they'll be little bonuses for anyone who does) as well. You should still be able to participate even if you know nothing about Harry Potter, not all the riddles are HP-themed and for those that are you should be able to find any information you need with Google ;)


Because the plot is going to be primarily for my guild members, please please please do not post any answers or hints to the riddles and puzzles anywhere - most of the things were written specially for the Tournament so there was no way anyone could just use Google to search and find the answers. We like making it a challenge! Feel free to discuss if you think a puzzle is too easy or too hard (particularly too hard) here but just watch that you don't post anything that could give away the answer!


Onto the prizes! The first person to complete all three tasks and the two linkers (you'll see :P) will get a Vo Codestone and a Negg. Second will get a Mini Koi Cereal, and third a Floud. Everyone that finds typos and errors - because there's bound to be plenty - will get a random item from my SDB.


Finally, there are two points where it will tell you to neomail someone - as those accounts won't be checked until we let the plot loose on the guild please just PM me with what it says instead :)


Good luck!





Oh yeah, one last thing - TDN staff aren't eligible for the 1st/2nd/3rd prizes because most of the answers to the riddles have been posted in the SC so it wouldn't be very fair. Sorry guys! You can still get the bonus items if you find mistakes though :D


I am extremely glad I won't be the only one who tested it out lol, I have just as many typos so sometimes I don't catch them :) Hey do I get prizes too for helping hehe just joking, now that wouldn't be fair since I already know all the answers! Good luck everyone, and thanks for the help (if you haven't figured it out we are in the same guild).


At least you did the first task okay Usmstr! So far you are the only one, or at least the only one who has asked for a link to the second task :P



New Prizes!!

After talking it over with Ashley, we've decied to add NP rewards to the prizes! So, here's the updated prizes:


First: Vo Codestone, Negg and 10,000 NP.

Second: Mini Koi Cereal and 6,000 NP.

Third: Floud and 4,000 NP.


Yay for more motivation lol


I asked for a link! *rasies hand*


hehe, when I first went through it, I was like, "Woah! I got 'em all right!" Of course, I wasn't! :(


Very tricky Isabel, making the responses the same, no matter what answer... :P


You're meant to PM me in the places it says to neomail Zac XD I wasn't checking the neomails yet lol Anyway, I replied with your link - good luck!


And I like tricky, can't have people knowing exactly which one they got wrong!


Naturally, I'd LOVE to go through and find all those little typos/grammar errors for you. :devil: I'll see if I can get past the first task in less than two weeks. :P


Edit: On the second page of the first task, 'introduce' is misspelled as 'introdue'.


Why do I think I'm going to be handing out lots of items to you XD I'll just keep track of what you find and give them all to you together at the end okay?


And that is in a part I recycled from last year's >.< *pokes the people who proof read it for her last year*


haha that would be me! Now how did I miss that two years in a row??? I mean I am not the best speller in the entire world but I didn't think I would miss the same typo two years straight!!!


I haven't picked up anything else yet... but then again I haven't been able to get past the first task. :P


It is a great plot though. :yes:


I'm trying as well, I'm up to the second task but I've taken a break (basically I forgot about it :P )


So far there's a few of you past the first task, but no-one past the second... is there a specific riddle/puzzle that is giving you trouble? That was the other point of getting you all to try it out first, to see if any of the riddles are too hard ;)


Honestly speaking... I have no idea. :P I'm not even sure how many riddles I got wrong...


Lol I am actually past the second task and am on to the puzzle after that. I got up to it a few days ago and kinda forgot about it again (I'm lazy :P )


I'll probably have another go at it this afternoon, if I can motivate myself to do so...

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