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A bug and a performance note

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Guest The_RiddleMaster

The performance note:

Was browsing randomly a few days ago when I saw this article.


Alreay had AdBlock, so I just added Chrome. Must say I'm really satisfied with the result, but when it comes to the list of what to block, I'll suggest a note to be added to some of the parts.























My suggestion:





















red text = If you're a frequent user of the Adver-Video game, then these will cause "Error 203" to appear if you add them to your blocked list.

green text = If you're a frequent user of the petpetadventure thingy, then these will block the flash player from showing it.


I hope to see these notes added



EDIT (12.27.07): Another note should be added on the ChromeEdit part: "NB! May also cause some other sites to lose their advertisement areas."




The bug:

As you already know, the advent calendar gives out the same items to everyone, along with the same ammount of np.

I just experienced something which is either a bug, a disproof of previous info or some sort of a bad joke.

Today one was supposed to receive a Holiday Tutu and a Lenny Dancer Music Box.

Not for me. I got 2 green apples instead. Did anybody else receive these? (Checked with my side account to see if it really was true, but no. On it I received the proper items...)







I did get the proper items from the advent calender just now... maybe your account was glitched?


There are some people complaining on the neoboards that they didn't get the right prizes, either. So it's not just your account, it's a lot of people who are getting the same problem. I guess you were just unlucky. :(


The green apple bug... I heard of it too. It's sad :(



As for the adblocks note, I think it's a good idea to add it. Let's see what the rest of the staff thinks about it.

Guest The_RiddleMaster

green apple: I guess it might be a random bad luck event of some sort then.

adblock note: I'm glad you like it. thx.


Just to add an additional note:

Another way to temporarily enable oneself to be able to do the adver-video and the petpet adventure, is to just deactivate adblock for the needed time.

(Discovered this just now when trying to load a movie at newgrounds. Seems like one of the items on the above list also blocks their videos for some reason...

And if not, it might just be one of the randoms which I always add to adblock...)


by the way:

When it comes to ChromeEdit, it'd be nice to see a guide on how to restore one's browser to what it was before it was added and configurations were changed. I've tried multiple ways to do this, removing added scripts, removed it, etc, but nothing seems to work. It happens to affect other sites which I browse even more frequently than neopets, sites which have banners which actually are important. One don't see sites like that too much, but they exist.


Maybe you have to reinstall it and undo the changes you made with it originally? Or have you tried that already?

Guest The_RiddleMaster

yup. already tried. But I don't see it as a big problem. There's always the crappy IE as an alternative solution. ;)


I did this a week or two ago and its been great! No annoying ads and everything is much faster. The only problem I've met so far is that Newgrounds movies don't work anymore. But now when I want to visit Newgrounds, I'll just disable Adblock! Thanks for the advice :D

Guest The_RiddleMaster

Added something extra to my original post. (blue text)


EDIT: PS. Has any of the admins seen this yet?


Not yet apparently, but I should be sorted out within a few days. The TDN staff are highly efficient, but also rather busy.


=D It's on our list to do this week, I assure you.


Someone might even be fixing it tomorrow. :O


Stay tuned to TDN's Super Content Update Week!


(Someone being me... most probably. Right... I need my sleep. See ya)


Fun, I have tons of time on my hand and yet I can't update the article (a staff member has to do that, and I'm not part of the team). Dx


I notice these ads are quite a problem, and it's essential to supply as much info as possible to the user when following this tutorial. Consequences were pointed out - thanks for that.


Now, may I just state that that was the old ChromEdit code - which causes problems in some other websites. I have been using this code which works perfectly in Neopets V2 for some time now. It includes the same code as before with some added code for faster loading. Here is the code:


div.ban,div#ban, #ban, .ban, #ban_spacer {display: none !important;}

.ad_wrapper,.ad_wrapper_fixed,#ban,#ban_bottom {visibility:hidden !important;}

.adBox2, .footOverlay { display:none !important; }


Just paste it in, save and restart your browser. May I also point out that this works in any FF extension compatible browser - Netscape, etc...


Also, I believe I posted this in a thread long time ago when TNT changed the layout. If you search for 'Remove Neopets Ads ChromEdit' on Google, click the 2nd link, there is the full explanation that I handed to a user back then.


I asked for a member of staff to update the article with the code that I posted, but it wasn't updated back then.


If anyone needs more info about this matter, feel free to contact me via MSN or PM (the former is preferable).


Thanks a lot Xepha, it was time for an update! :)


Just please fix the url in Adver Video, you added some E's and didn't close the first tag correctly. Apart from that, good work!


Oki, fixed!



And anytime you want something need an update, feel free to poke me :)



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