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Christmas Paint Brush from Advent Calendar!


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So TNT gave us a Christmas PB today for the advent and I am fairly amused. First, because I wonder how much they will deflate, and second, because I wonder how many people are going to get iced going there on multiple accounts. :P


I have already been shop wiz banned after trying to pick up some cheap ones. Hopefully when I try again tomorrow night I can grab a few to throw in my SDB. xD


Anyway, go Go GO! :laughingsmiley:

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While I am happy for a free PB it is kinda disappointing to see that TNT keeps deflating all these pbs!


The Starry, Cloud and now Christmas PBs have all been given away and it makes me curious as to which one is next...

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Yeah the PB's have been hit pretty bad by Tarla, eh. I don't really mind the deflation on this one, except that I had one in my SDB already and meant to give it away as an xmas prezzie...not anymore xD


I'm still rooting for the advent calendar to take a chunk out of codestone prices, not PBs x_x

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If the AC deflates Codestone prices then I will be extremely happy :D


As much as I would like to camp out on the Shop Wiz for a cheap PB, I am kinda busy with my restocking at the moment :P

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Well I was lucky to grab one of the PBs and sell it before it deflated too far. :yes: I can't be bothered to stock up on the paintbrushes and hold onto them until they reinflate.


And I agree that the Advent Calendar should be targeting codestone prices sometime soon. They're really getting out of hand.

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Whoa there, too many searches!


I am too busy right now, please come back

in about 40 minutes and I can help you out.


So I tried again, and managed to snatch one :P

______ Christmas Paint Brush 1 5,500 NP


That was after many failed attempts, and many more refreshes x)

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Well thats a first.... I just saw a Christmas PB in the money tree :P


Hehe nice...I sat in there for a bit just to see if I could see one to screenie it :P

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This is pretty cool!

I have a Christmas Paint Brush from the Advent Calendar and another one from the Shop Wizard that I got for a very decent price of around 20k Neopoints.

Hopefully in a year or so, the prices go back up reasonably well. That is, if TNT doesn't pull another Paint Brush stunt. xD

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Well, at least they don't pull a trick like deflate Plushie paint brushes, or something else expensive. Then all the people who spent millions on them would be angry. x3


TNT could be better combating the codestone problem by increasing the codestone random events, instead of deflating one or two codestones horribly through Tarla or the Advent Calendar.

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I saw one at 1np and one at 300np this morning (was too slow, of course).


My friend gave me his paintbrush (yay!) I'm keeping them, for now... well, probably forever actually! I'm a bit mad they gave out Christmas Paint brush because I did buy one at full cost last week. Oh well... it makes people happy to paint their pet Christmas ;p


Also, I think many people collected it on their side, which isn't nice... *shovels snow on them* ;p

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I've got two Christmas Paint Brushes (one from the AC and the other was traded for an item I restocked) and I plan to keep them for a while. There's been several items from this years AC that I've stocked up on and I'm waiting for them all to slowly inflate.

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