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For the past week we've been hinting at a new forums only activity! Well, it starts today! Or at least, the sign-ups do.


It's a rating game. Forums members can sign up to be rated by other members, signed up or not. But before you all go and sign up, let me explain the rules.


  • To enter, just post on this board. I'll post a final list before the rating starts to be sure I didn't miss anyone.
  • You can rate all of the members signed up, or just one- if you don't know someone very well, don't rate them just to bring their score up/down.
  • Don't rate all high just 'to be nice' or low 'beacuse you felt like it'. We'd like these scores to be honest.
  • The ratings system is on a 1 to 10 scale.
  • All the ratings will be averaged together, meaning if you got all 10s but one person voted 1 for you for whatever reason, your score could drop by as low as 5.5. In other words, your overall score might not reflect everyones opinion of you.
  • To rate, PM me, Anime Heart. Do NOT post them here, if they are - the post will be deleted and the rating not be counted.
  • When rating, please don't tell me why you rated someone high/low- that's your business, not mine.
  • Don't go around saying "I rated you this and you that." Anything of that sort will be deleted and you'll get warned about it.
  • If you want, at the end of the event we can give you a list of the ratings you got, but we will NOT say who voted what. If one or two people rated you really low, don't go around asking/accusing people of the low rates. This will result in the offending posts being deleted and you getting an official warning.
  • Your prize will be based on your average. We'll multiply your average by 1000 and that will be the amount you get. Prizes can be items or NP, just tell me which you want when you sign up. If you don't say, you'll just get NP.
  • Staff can't enter or rate. It'd be unfiar since we'd either get really high or really low votes, and we're bound to be biased towards some people since we can see member notes and all.


When you post your entry, use this form:


Display Name: 
Prize type: (NP or item)


And when you rate, the format needs to be Name: rating, with only one rating per line. This is so I can retain what's left of my sanity while I sort through and average all of these.


Sign ups end on the 14th. Ratings will start on the 15th and end on the 21st. We'll try and get the scores up and prizes out on the 22nd, or the 23rd if something goes wrong.


Be sure to check out TDN's December Hunt!



As stated above, your average reflects just that. An AVERAGE of the rates you get. Please do NOT be offended by your score, whatever it is. Remember, this is for FUN. If you get all worked up over it we won't be able to have fully user-controlled events like this in the future. If you're scared you'll get really low scores, you don't have to enter.

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Ooh, this might be interesting.


Name: Princess Ruto

Prize type: NP


This looks really fun! Not to mention that I am cooler than the other side of the pillow. (In my Imagination Land.)


Name: Meeptroid

Prize type: Item


Metroid you have officially been disqualified from this competition for not correctly filling in the form to enter.


Using a capital 'i' while the form had a lowercase 'i'.


(: Just Kidding. Good luck to all participants.


Sounds like fun :P



Too bad I'm green, or I would have taken part :P


But being the dastardly stunning Metroid that I am, the rules clearly state nothing about the rule you just mentioned, Superfly. :O

Therefore you are not pwnsome now. Just kidding! (:


This is a very original contest I have ever seen, to say the least. :)


*is dastardly stunned*


I have to agree. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. :yes:


This competition is a great idea! I'll enter!


Name: Djtom111 DOOM Bringer :devil:

Prize Type: NP


I wonder how badly I'll be rated... *is a pessimist* XD


Name: The Evil Guy

Prize type: NP


I'll join. Just to clarify, 1 is worst and 10 is best, right?


Name: Strategos

Prize type: NP


Meh, I'll sign up.



Prize type: NP (To be sent to TDN_Donations)


ooh! This sounds like fun! (So this is the "disclaimer" you talked to me about anime :P)


Name: Zac

Prize Type: NP


Oooh this looks like a LOT of fun! Do I put my username on TDN or the name that everybody else sees? o_O


Ok thanks! :laughingsmiley:


Name: *princess*

Prize Type: NP


How do you send me the neopoints though? :eh: Just curious


The neopoints will most likely be sent through a junk trade.




Mine'll be low, methinks.


Display Name: Samuel

Prize type: (NP or item): Item.


:O Holy crap! Samuel returneths!


Hello again, Sam. ^_^


just posting around ya know.... Can I enter O.O


name:JenniferXOX XD or jennifer I don't know!





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