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TDN's December Art Contest


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I can't draw, tablet or not. XD


Well those are great entries so far - I wish everyone good luck!

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I hope I win or I'll been enraged with anger and take out on someone or something *stares at the abondon plushie sitting in the corner of tehdailyneopets* Just staring *squint eyes*

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I hope I win or I'll been enraged with anger and take out on someone or something *stares at the abondon plushie sitting in the corner of tehdailyneopets* Just staring *squint eyes*

*media cameras and microphones*


Reporter: And just what, Jennifer, is an abondon? *flash*


Reporter2: Abondon? What is an abondon? *flash* *crowds* *shoving* *pushing* *glaring* *animation to studio*


Anchor: We've received reports that Jennifer is going to maul an abondon plushie. Just what is an abondon? Let's find out...*animation transitions to scientists*


Narrator: For days now, scientists have been trying to uncover the mystery of the mysterious abondon. Little progress has occurred, though, and many critics are skeptical that scientists will ever uncover the truth. This is Narrator reporting, back to the anchor.


Anchor: And that concludes today's show.

*credits roll*

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xD Rukario, I have an idea. How about a task that involves correcting spelling and grammar.

There is a topic in wordgames called "Neverending Sentence" or something. Try to add the necessary commas and captilization. xP


Anyway, I wonder who is gonna win this contest. Hm...

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xD Rukario, I have an idea. How about a task that involves correcting spelling and grammar.

There is a topic in wordgames called "Neverending Sentence" or something. Try to add the necessary commas and captilization. xP


Anyway, I wonder who is gonna win this contest. Hm...


You need a question mark after your second sentence, and your last word is spelled wrong. It should be "capitalization." :whistle:

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when will the contest end I mean it been on for awhile I hope i win ><

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At this moment, the deadline is December 23rd. We will then vote and winners will receive their prizes shortly after.

^ From the first post. Patience, Jennifer - you've gotta wait in case there are others who are still working on their entries :yes:

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it's ldriving me nuts! I want to know if I made I need err want neopoints for my negg fund

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Jennifer, even if you win, the prize won't be a massive amount.


Due to the donations account being frozen, They have lost all NP/Items.

and they made all these contests they have to award.



:O oh no! poor donations account! *pats on back*

im not really enetring for the prize.. i just want inspiration to draw

speaking of which my picture is taking an awfully long time to color.. but i PWWOMISE it will be in by monday

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You need a question mark after your second sentence, and your last word is spelled wrong. It should be "capitalization." :whistle:


They are called typos. They usually occur quite a bit with some people.

Also, all you are doing is sending people off topic. This is a contest about art. Not some kind of grammar school where everything counts. T_T

You were able to read my sentence anyway, right? Just move on and don't worry so much about grammatical errors.

(Grammatical is a word just in case for anyone wondering. I looked it up.)

All that I am saying is that I find it quite annoying and unnecessary. No offense though.



Back on subject now.

The contest is gonna close in approximately nine days. I am sure everyone can survive. :yes:

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nine days??! aww that'll take FOREVER! =( better occupie myslef while waiting.... *prank calling*

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Wow that's great! Great work 7r6!


I've decided that I'm not entering in the contest, mostly because I can't draw, paint or anything like that.

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Crap that's good! Looks like i got a little competition >> *squint eyes*

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:P I said entries ended on the 23rd - I never said when voting would start. *withholds voting for months!@#$@*


Give me a few minutes. :P


Topic Closed. :O

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