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TDN's December Art Contest


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then....... Killer pets man your awsome with this! give me high five! *raise up hand*

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YA I can tell keep this drawing up and maybe tNT will hire you as an artist....

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Haha, nah. There are so many better artists who are more like TNT's pop art style.

hey! HEy I said IF you keep this up[/u you'll make it XD]

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it'll be quite sad if you are... I did try tio enter a picture but since and aciddenatl paint spill on my work I have one word.... I QUIT!

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Wow Rukario! That's really good! Hopefully 4 other people enter in the contest, but at the moment it doesn't seem like that's going to happen...

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I draw it by hand. ;D Coloring it and adding the shading using a pen tablet really cramps your hand. o_O



If this contest doesn't proceed because of lack of entries, I might submit it to the Art Gallery. :thumbsdown: Come on people, get those entries in! Everyone has an equal chance of winning (theoretically. o_O Don't submit a sheet of paper with a smilie face on it.)

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how do you make that kind of a shade O.O I always try to color my anime photos like those ones in tv but in unsuccessfull><

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Any stained glass artists out there? I should do that.

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wow thats a great picture!

don't worry guys.. im entering! and hopefully some other people as well.. i just havent found time to start coloring yet, but i definitely will this weekend :D

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Would it be alright if I enter a sketch? (if I enter, time or no time, I shall have yet to see)

I'm too lazy to color it. D: Plus I make it look bad when coloring. ;_;

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YES! More entries. You all rock. :D


If we don't get enough entries, I'll just dub you guys the winners and give you all presents with my wonderful power over Brittney. (:

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OKAY! entering too sorry if it all glitchy like I don't know how it happened O.O



Please accept it ><




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I basically am now done with my picture.

I won't post it until tomorrow however. I'll look at it with fresh eyes in the morning and add or take away a few things before sending it in.

I can safely say that Zanthine (Pteri) looks really awesome.

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