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ok the cheapest lab map you could get...


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how cheap could you get a laboratory map ( the cheapest... but realistic, not: ''I saw once, and it was...'' but really) how much could it cost...?

Yeah i know it sounds that i am cheap :D

But trying to get it as fast, and as cheap as i can, so i could zap as fast as i can... :D :D :D

Plz help!

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I think a full set is about 600-700k total now. :(


You could ultimately get them for free if you are really lucky with random events. :P But yea.

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Well, we can't do much about how much people sell the map.

For places like the Trading Post, you'll probably get it for around the price SuperZombie mentioned.

Also, like he also mentioned, there's random events. You may be able to get individual pieces for a bargain. Who knows though. I never really went shopping for the whole set.

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I paid around 400k for my lab map, but inflation has made the price about double that now. Mainly because the 9th piece is now unbuyable :(


Its still worth it though, really - you pay that once and then you get access to the lab once a day forevermore.

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yeah... having some problems getting last ~100k.. :P

getting 2 excited and cant w8, so the last 100k comes really sloooow...

wish some1 would donate.. but thats just the way things DON'T work...

gotta earn your self ;(

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*cough* But the 9th piece is pretty sellable :D

I got one in a random event, and I sold it to my friend for 300k!


I don't get it.

The piece is 100K but you sold it to your friend for 300K?



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No, the piece is worth about 350k. It's extremely rare, mainly because so many people have used it already that the number is slowly dwindling. Also, it appears that that particular piece is less common with random events. I have 2 pieces left, one of them being the 350k one. So close, yet so far.



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Actually, some people are selling it for 400k too XD


And my friend is the kind of people who won't accept any expensive gift from me. I didn't price the item... he offered what he wanted on it :)

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The reason the 9th piece has inflated crazily is actually that several of the other pieces were tarla'd and thereby dropped hugely in price....


I think I got 3-4 pieces through random events and bought the rest, while I was buying I also found some of the ones I allready had really cheap (like 5K) bought them and resold for profit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it cheaper to buy one peice at a time why for example:

about each map worth100k but for some it ethier 40k to 50k like the most common ones so it almost adds up to like 300k maybe? plus the proces increase to 600k beware!

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Jennifer, while that part about each piece being priced like that may be true, you must take into account the 9th piece. That piece sells for so much by itself, it's pretty much the same price to buy it all at once.

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Another thing you're missing is that there's one map piece that sells for only 20k. So buying a full set may or may not be your best option based on the timing of your search.

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