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YAY I'm winning :jerrypteri:

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Like a lion?

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I love that there is no word limit on word games, it means I don't have to think about my post length at all. And since there is no specific topic on this board, I hardly have to think about my post either. I just say the first thing that comes to my head. :P


Also, DOOM Evil Art Contest is up, check it out here

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*is wasting time that should be spent doing homework*

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*Saves the kangaroo and takes it to the vet* What did the kangaroo ever do to you?

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Aparently your wrong... Hump...




Looks like I'm winning

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Lols... well you leave poor innocent animals alone or I will beat you with a stick.. *waves around her stick*

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*is feeling random but not random enough to actually say something worth reading*

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