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DOOM's Evil Art Contest

DOOM Bringer

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Guess what? That's right, it's time for another DOOM Contest. After weeks of careful planning (and procrastination), DOOM is ready to release it's newest contest! This contest is the Evil Art Contest. For this Contest, you must use your artistic skills to create an evil picture for our entertainment. It can be created on anything; you can draw it, use Paint, use Photoshop, you can even make a macaroni picture if you'd like :P. The only current requirement is that the picture must be evil, so no good or nice things should be involved. Be creative with your picture and also use your imagination. The best looking and most imaginative picture will win. There will be three winners chosen and they will receive amazing prizes. I will be the judge and AA will most likely judge as well (unless for some reason he wishes to enter, then he will be excluded from judging)



At the moment though, we are just wondering who is interested. So if you are thinking about entering, post here and we'll record your name. If 5 or more people enter, then I'll pick some prizes and start the contest. If you think you can't enter because you are a terrible drawer or painter, then remember that you can use Photoshop or any other graphic manipulation program. You just need to make an evil picture (or even an animation if you're really keen) and it can be created on anything. Of course it needs to be made by yourself and fit forum regulations but I'll post more about rules if/when I start the competition. I would also like to point out that anybody can join (even staff if they'd like). ANYBODY can join and EVERYBODY who submits a picture is in the running for our prizes.


Good luck!









This contest has started! Although all the fine details (like date and prizes) are all TBA right now, the contest has officially begun, so send your entries in!

Announcement: The closing date for the contest has been set! You have until midnight on May 17th (based on NST) to submit your entries! Prizes and other details still to be announced




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Just doing the official hocus pocus for this thread.


This contest is sponsored and operated by



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Do you mean a member of DOOM? No, you don't have to be a member of DOOM Corp because anybody can join (staff can as well if they'd like)


I'll update the first post with that information :D

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Well so far participation levels seem rather disappointing... :P Let's hope more people turn up soon.

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I would Anna but like I explained in the first post I am waiting for people to sign up.


Anyway, the rules are fairly basic. Just make an evil picture that follows TDN's rules.

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Correction: make a very good, very evil picture that meets the TDN regulations. :P

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Well that seems true... XD


So is anybody else interested? We don't need complicated statements or entries at the moment, just a few words that add up to 'I'm interested, so start the contest already!'. :yes:

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Not really that much point as not many people read that post that much. It's more worthwhile posting it in popular threads and in my sig (which I'm going to do now)


EDIT: Sig updated. There's a link to this thread in my sig now :D

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Yes we will have to wait a while.


I suppose nobody seems interested in the SUPER AWESOME ULTRA MEGA COMPLETELY UBER PRIZES OF PENULTIMATE DOOOOOOM!!!! that they could receive from this contest. Oh well, I'll just have to keep them :P

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Well it seems a bit of a shame that everybody will miss out on the 150k jackpot... :sad01_anim:

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And did we mention all the respect you would receive from DOOM Corp and it's members? That can go a long way on the day we decide to put our plans into action and you will receive many cookies fresh from our ovens :P

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Maybe you should start mass PMing people in order to advertise. :P


Meh, I guess we'll just have to wait and see if anybody else joins.

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There is no end date and there is currently no start date. You can either make a picture now and submit it or you can wait until enough people are participating. No prizes will be handed out if there is less than 5 contestants. We're just waiting at the moment.

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Perhaps I didn't say this loud enough, but THE GRAND PRIZE FOR THIS CONTEST IS 150K NEOPOINTS!!!

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Yay! That's the spirit! Now we just need 4 others to confirm their position in this contest and we can start :D

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Should I outline the grand prize in big letters on another board (or maybe just put it in my siggy)?

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I think you should put it in your siggy, the more people know about this contest the better!

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All right, will do! And I have plenty of NP to fund this contest now. :yes:

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