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I play :mario: all day, hoping that one day I learn the skills of a :medieval: and ultimately become one. People may :questionmark: me about this but when they ask me I

:rock: so that they go :whaa:. They soon ask me if I wanna become a :ph34r: and I say that'd be cool too.

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When people steal from me I look at them like :shiftyeyes_anim: and they go :sad02:. Then I become all :laughingsmiley: about it 'cause that makes me :cool:.

Now I wonder what this :glasses02: is supposed to be. Doesn't it resemble a pumpkin?

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Maybe a nerdy pumpkin, but not by much.

Anyone check these two new smilies out?





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Excitement is in the air! :happydance:

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I'm so happy that I'm changing my name tomorrow!

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Not if I get the last laugh! :P

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We'll see about that.

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Yippie-Yi-Yo-Ki-Yay! 347.gif

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Am I late for something? I noticed that TDN was downed for over six hours last night. :O

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