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The Person Below Me


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Erm... false! *dies* J/K :P


The person below me is really annoyed by time constraints.

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Ummm... True o_O


The person below me likes water

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Hmmm... False (I think).


The person below me likes trees

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False... I'm a night owl.


The person below me likes Sega Master Systems (hehe)

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True, I loved them when they were widely available and popular and if I could get my hands on one now I'd probably be in a fantasy land for weeks!


The Person Below Me... likes the current leader of their country

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False. But I don't particularly dislike him either (at least not more than any other politician).


The person below me dislikes politicians in general.

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"False.. but I don't see anyone better wanting to lead it :P

Sega Master Systems were the best!! Wonderboy and Sonic... I remember those days *starts daydreaming*


The person below me is awake"


Oops... two posts at one time...


True I dislike poticians...


The person below me is awake

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Ummm... False :S


The person below me has been to New Zealand

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False.... I don't even think I have one :S


@ Sky Shadow so you come from my side of the world?


The person below me likes the smell of freshly mown grass

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False.. I'm not flexible enough


The person below me is a boy

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