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nope, not wearing a hat today ^^


the person below me likes finding old pictures of them ^^


False. I don't like pictures of me.


The person below me can't wait for snow!


That'd be true, I like looking at the wintry landscapes.


TPBM has at least 50 games for one system and one system only.


Nope, i always smile^^


The person below me knows the basics of photoshop^^


That is half-true. I am no pro at HTML, but I'm better with BBCode skills.


TPBM has tried jalapenos on his/her pizza before.


Yes I do. I use Online Image Editor to invert and shrink animated images.


TPBM likes has his or her birthday on a Neopets pet day.


Sadly, I do.


TPBM watches a lot of scary movies, and doesn't get scared at all.


True, but only on wheels that are not the Wheel of Mediocrity.


TPBM has an actual Meepit in his/her collection.


everybody cries, i'm no exception ^^


the person below me will help me finding a new display name 0:-)


I wish I could but I'm not any good at coming up with new display names :(


The person below me has a subscription to two or more magazines.




the person below me will help me finding a new display name 0:-)

You're going to change your name? Well, it would be nice to start it with a capital letter


The Person Below Me likes it when people here have names with capital letters at the start.


True, I never liked starting with a lowercase letter.


TPBM is currently craving lunch/dinner right this moment.

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