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I don't have anything against either of them.


TPBM has seen Shy Ronnie.


Ninja'ed. False.




True. With a passion.


Chris brown - "With you, With you, With you, With you, With you" <_< With who?

Rihanna - "Under my Umbrella ella ella ella eeh" Annoying song.


TPBM likes Coldplay. :yes:


I think that was a Ninja. XD


I like coldplay, yes. :yes:


TPBM prefers pirates to ninjas.


Edit: Ninja'd. :P

Only heard one song by them(Don't hurt me, Anisha! Dx) and I didn't like it...


Not legally. whistle.gif


TPBM is annoyed by someone currently. -dislikes stalkerish grandpa-




Sorry Anisha... -hides-

I don't remember CAV, it showed up on my recomendations when I went on to youtube and I didn't look at the song name...


TPBM is bored.




TPBM hates 30 Seconds to Mars as well.


I liked "From Yesterday" and I still do, but Kings and Queens needs to be removed from all sound devices everywhere.


True. I help out a friend, by making them coffee. Or running to DD and buying one because I'm lazy.


Kings and Queens needs to be removed from all sound devices everywhere.


:sad01_anim: You're not getting my MP3 player.


Kings and Queens is like the God of rock songs in my opinion as of right now. I fell in love with the song when I saw the Legend of the Gardians trailer, then I just had to serch for the whole thing.


TPBM likes Kings and Queens.


You forgot to leave a TPBM statement.


TPBM has forgotten to do this before.







True, maybe. I am careless all the time.


TPBM just got ninja'd. *pokes self* :laughingsmiley:


Hopefully I didn't.


TPBM has been burned by fire before.

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