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The Person Below Me


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Probably but I can't remember


The person below me would consider themselves a twerd

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False. Unless you mean NP, then true.


TPBM has noticed that Milli failed on The Original Neopian In My Bag I Packed by going "1 million neopoints!" after Peophin, and also noticed I corrected her and put Quigquig Plushie instead.

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True. Hubby has a Baby one ^_^ (That was his xmas present from me)



TPBM Likes minimalistic designs (not a lot of flashy stuff lol)

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TRUE!!! even spamming the lovely "private club" for the FM! lol My new favorite hide out actually.



TPBM has a heater blanket.

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False I've never posted in it


The person below me wants to see the good the bad the weird

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