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Well, basically I'm posting this here so that everyone knows that I'll no longer be taking part in this forum once the Survival Contest is over. It's been a good run, and I've enjoyed the environment for the most part. But, when one person ruins it for you, then it's all over. And there's not a chance of them quitting, so I guess I'll take it upon myself to leave. I still enjoy talking to all of you, but because of that one person, I no longer want to be here. But, I doubt any of you actually care, since I'm just another person passing through. If anyone actually wants to talk to me, I can be reached on Yahoo (mwojtylko), AIM (darklordyaw), and MSN (smumpkins@hotmail.com). The only email that I check is at mwojtylko@yahoo.com. So, basically, this is kind of like my two week notice. Once the contest is over, or I've lost... I'll be gone. Take care, everyone.


What a depressing story, Smumpkins, dear. *ponders away about that "one person"*

You should keep on staying, even if it's just one bad apple in the tree. Only leave if you have big issues like exams, problems, etc. We will all miss you if you go.


That does suck, your nick is one of the best on the forums! I like the idea of a taco out there bandito-ing the innocents who pass by...


I have had two indirect confrontations on these forums - one which I thought one person was being unreasonably nasty to people in general in a majority of their posts, and one where I was called a name for making a stupid (but innocent!) mistake. I did consider leaving at both those times since they were in positions of power but instead took a few days off, came back when I was over it. And I did get over it! In the larger scheme of life, most times you end up seeing that problems or fights with people aren't worth remembering as they are generally over petty unimportant things.


I know NOTHING about what your problem is though so don't think I am belittling it at all! I just mean that hopefully you'll have second thoughts and come back when you're ready :)


I'm sorry to hear that Smumpkins. :( You will be missed around the forums.


On another note, if ANYONE on the forums feels they are being treated badly by another member (like mentioned above, name calling) please please please contact any member of staff immediately and the issue will be taken care of. ;) Also, if you feel someone else is being harassed by another member, report that also. Please remember, you do not have to be correct in any reports (just don't go report happy and start making things up) - the staff judges things on a case-by-case matter. So if you even think for a moment that something wrong is happening like the things mentioned above please just report it and the staff will take it from there. Harassment is NOT taken lightly here, so don't let yourself be bullied.


.....How disappointing. I sure hope that the troublemaker wasn't one of our classic members/top contributers. I can sort of relate to your issue though. Way back when, where man first invented the wheel, a forum member came along out of nowhere and began criticizing my comics and saying how sprites were "tacky". Of course, my initial reaction was anger and I felt like quitting my comics and perhaps even the forums. I knew that I was better than that and I have a higher self-esteem than that member who just seemed to be troublesome. Therefore, I continued to stay and make comics. Although sometime down the road I "quit" after a different issue, but I came back a few months later and I don't quite have my comic business up at the moment.


The point is, Taco, that you shouldn't let just one person ruin your fun. And I can't believe that you thought we wouldn't care. Of course we do! You're a Super Member, which pretty much means that you are kind of hard to forget. The members that we usually forget are those who sign up one day and then never show up again without notifying us at all. You are most certainly not one of them.


You may leave at your own free will, but I'm just saying that a lot of us support each other and you are no exception.


Yeah, that's true, TJ. However, since it happened over MSN, I'm not going to take it to any staff members. I'm just getting out while I can. <_<


Thanks, Metroid, for the support. It's not just a normal member that's making me want to quit, though. >_>;;


ShaRi and Cloudedsunny, thanks for the comment. If you all add me to your buddy list, I'll be sure to keep in touch.


Oh, I see what you mean, Taco. Someone of higher power on the forum made you decide this unfortunate event...

That's very disturbing, as the staff is usually quite nice and honorable. However, there are a few who buck heads...

Are you sure it isn't a misunderstanding? I just never thought of a staffer directly upsetting a member on purpose. I really wish this didn't happen because frankly, TDN has a reputation for being kindhearted and helpful.

Never let ANYONE bring you down to their level. Even if they are of higher power. Never.


Metroid, to avoid going to their level, I'm taking a hiatus from the forums. I really don't want things to become petty.


.....Hiatus? You sound more serious than taking a hiatus, like you really want to quit. But who am I to command anyone? I just thought that perhaps you look at the situation in a different view. I'm not necessarily angry at you for leaving, but upset at the fact that you were insulted in any way by a staffer. It disgusts me.

You are free to do whatever you want though, so if you want to leave, go ahead.


Well, I won't be able to feel comfortable on this forum anymore, unless they were to leave. Odds of that happening? .001%. So, I guess I'll have to be the one that leaves...


They will never leave until a voice is heard. Or... written. Either way, what good is it to leave and know that the harasser got away free?

Other staffers do not tolerate this stuff at all. Even if the person is part of the staff. Past history shows this, Taco. If you really felt harassed and uncomfortable being on the forum because of someone, even a staffer, you should not feel intimidated at all to speak up.


You probably are annoyed tremendously by me at this moment. Trust me, I'm not a preacher and I don't mean for pressuring others. I just want you to know that we do care. I need to learn to let stuff go though. Nothing lasts forever, that's what I need to understand.


No, I don't feel irritated at you. Plus, since it happened over MSN, there's nothing that can be really done about it.


Well, it's all up to you. And you know that most of us would like you to stay (Actually, I think everybody wants you to stay).


MSN stores your conversations, Taco. I'm sure you can pull it up if you decide to do something about it. You can also take a screenshot. If you feel like you lack evidence, then I suppose you can just forget it. But I'm almost positive you can find the conversation stored in MSN.


No, I had turned off that setting for Trillian. Takes too much space. >_<


That's a shame then. I'm sorry about your recent experience and I advise that you give it a second chance. But yes, when something feels uncomfortable, you can just forget it then. No point in continuing.


I'm sticking around until the end of the survival contest. I might on occasion get on here for the HOP. But, other than that, I'll be done with it.


Sorry to Hear that your leaving :(


Like Metroid said, Your a Super member now. so that means you are hard to forget.

But If its a Staff from a Msn Convo, Try to get that section of which was cruel:


Path to find it:


My Documents >> My received Files >>> Folder (should be your email)


Because if you send it to Sam (I think hes the head of content?, and he may talk to ian more?) Something may get done about it, Because if no-one steps up, Then it may happen again.


I agree, if you had a problem with a staff member or anyone else, please it's better if you tell Ian about it (or whoever talks to Ian the most) that way the person can get the proper punishment. Like Vivi said, it might happen to someone or who knows, maybe it has happened before.


Anyways, I hope you change your mind! You will be missed here, honestly!


Thank you, everyone, for the kind words. I can't find the conversations. I seriously think it's because I turned off that setting. >_< I feel that by my leaving, and making it known that I'm leaving, the person should be able to know that they're chasing people off, and hopefully they'll fix that part of themselves. If not, then I'm sure more people will voice it. I just don't feel right to tattle on them. >_<


That's not even close to tattling. Telling someone that another person makes you feel harassed and/or unwanted is honesty, not tattling. Tattling is when you complain about someone who hasn't affected you in any way.


Yeah Metroid has a point.


Tattling is just complaining that someone has done something not connected to you.


What this is, would be Justice :P

An normal member being mean is bad enough, But when a staff does it, That goes way beyond the white line.


If they try to communicate with me again, then I'll speak out about them. But, right now, I'm just trying to say goodbye in advance so I'm not one of the missing people later.


If you can't save future convos with that person, try taking a Screenie of the convo so it's easier.


To the person who did this to him: You should be ashamed! We're losing a loving member because of you! At least, apologize.


I don't even think they care. *shrugs* This whole ordeal is giving me a headache. I wasn't trying to make this into such a big issue.... :sad01_anim:

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