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TDN's October Art Contest


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Hello and welcome to TDN's October Art Contest. Yea, do you remember these!?!



Before entering the contest, read these rules!!

1. All entries must abide by the Art Forum rules, and more importantly the TDN forum rules. Read them, learn them, love them!


2. Please submit your entries by replying to this post and either leaving a link to the image, or by posting the image. If you do a hand drawing and cannot scan it into the computer or take a digital picture of it, PM me for details on another way to submit your entry.


3. Please stick to the theme. If your picture is obviously not related to the theme, or if it has little to do with it, you may be disqualified. sad.gif In other words, please don't try to pass off pictures you've already drawn as a new picture for the contest.


4. Art of ANY KIND can be entered, as long as you created it yourself. MS Paint, crayons, computer rendered, sculpture, ascii, ANYTHING! The only limitation is your imagination.


5. Any copying of anyone else's art, even once, will get you kicked out of the contest and never allowed to join again; you will also get a warning increase. Also, we can't accept an existing piece of neopets art that you have just altered. In other words, don't take an image of your neopet, draw a hat and moustache on him, and claim it as your own art. sad01_anim.gif


6. We can only proceed with the contest if we get at least 5 entries!! So get those entries in!


7. Now all members are allow to participate. :)


Now I guess you're wondering about the theme!!! It is:



"Neopets Haunted House"


I want to see what your Neopet(s) would look like in their own Haunted House. So create something that shows your Neopet(s) getting scared inside one, or doing something scary to spectators.


Entries will be voted on by other forum members and the top three will win prizes.



1st place: Meuka Pinata (get an avatar with this cool item).

2nd place: Pant Devil Pumpkin.

3rd place: Halloween Meerca Balloon.


At this moment, the deadline is October 25th. We will then vote and winners will receive their prizes on Halloween Day, spooky.


So, get your supplies out and get to it!

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aaaaaawww.... An art contest. I totally wish i had posted enough to qualify... then i could terrorizee your all with my horrible art ^-^



Then i can submit my horrible art anyway ^_^




That should be it :D

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Rule #7 Update:


We have removed the post limit. We would like to extend this contest to everyone, even new members to the forum. :) If we deem this a problem in the future Rule #7 will be instituted again.


Please do not complain about this rule change, the decision was made and anyone that complains will be issued a warning, verbal or non-verbal (depending on the situation) and the post will be deleted.

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Alright. We officially have 5 entries that means this contest will be going forward as planned.


Three Cheers!


Anyway, entries are still being accepted and you still have plenty of time to get them in. I believe Dillon is working on something, so this will be one great competition. ;)


Good luck to all contestants.

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If you do a hand drawing and cannot scan it into the computer or take a digital picture of it, PM me for details on another way to submit your entry.


Talk to TJ about it, I'm sure he'll deal.

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I believe I'm a content writer not a moderator. :P


Anywho, the deadline is October 25th for everyone, reguardless of how you are submitting it, it must be in my hands on October 25th. :)


^ Just a little reminder. :D


We do already have enough entries, so prizes will be given out. Maybe if we get a few more, I'll get Brittney to give out a 4th and 5th place prize or something. We'll have to see.

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That's what I said! *pokes post*. *cough*ididnteditmypost*cough*. Anyhoo, so it needs to be in your hands by October 25th. Do you know how long postage would take, roughly, from NZ?



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