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Hiya All,


Is it me, or do most of the chance games cheat? I mean, you've got pawkeet slots and brucy slots guaranteed to cheat you. Both eat points for breakfast. Scorchy Slots will eat about 3500 NP till you're pet gets bored, with almost a fat chance of seeing either a map or fairy.


It seems to be most of the chance games, now either they are setting them to do this or don't have control of the games properly.




TC :)



*shrugs* Chance games involve a lot of luck. I pretty much never bother with them because I don't have the best luck, and I'd rather play other games.


Yeah, I just avoid those games all together. I, for one, like to play games where there's a guaranteed payout. >_> But, I've noticed that they appear to be rigged, as well.


I wouldn't say they are rigged... but they are programmed. Math play a high role in all what is involving "luck" online.


I agree, but if you have a newbie with just a few NP most of the time the NP will be gone in short-order if they don't understand the win-loss ratio is outrageous.


And the cost to play the slots to get the jackpot is steep compared to return, but I don't care I stick mine in the motel for a month and play ;)


TC :)



I used to be like that, back when I still had my Frednoid account. >_< But, oh well. Nowadays, I've learned ways to get around gambling and dealing with loss. If it wasn't for Xepha giving me that site, I never would've kept playing Wheel of Monotony. XD


I got a tyrannian paint brush off the WoMonotony and I like getting nice big brightvale job coupons off the wheel of knowledge. Think about how little the game costs and how much these things cost...and then there's inflation - if you get something good every 400,000np you spend it's still worth it maybe? I dunno I guess I have points to waste lol

  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is bumping an old topic but I thought 20 days wasn't so bad, and I didn't want to start a new one just for bragging rights...just wanted to say I just won my second Tyrannian Paint Brush off the Wheel of Monotony in ohhhh it was probably 3-6months maybe even less? That clinches it for me, I keep playing it when I can!


EDIT: You know I've noticed that really good big events like this seem to happen close to one another for me...do you think that maybe we have some sort of luck ratio that goes up at times and down at times so that it stays good for a while?


Like my FFQs happened in a pretty short time together too, and now this one...they're the only two I can think of though. But for a very long time for a while there I got NO faerie quests at all like ever off ANY faerie...I thought I had to use up my last FFQ before they started again but nope started getting them again now! Maybe it's a luck ratio...


I've a theory about Neopet's luck...


Firstly, it's all programmed mathematically... (refreshing is one of the variables... time is another... etc)


Secondly, I think newer accounts are getting more lucky events than older accounts.


Congrats on winning a Tyrannian PB for a second time. I might paint my bori that color one day...

  • 3 weeks later...

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