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[Service annoucement] Server move


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The Daily Neopets will be moving servers within the next 48 hours. We will be moving to a faster dedicated server (and we mean really fast). All of our slow-loading problems and 503 service unavailable errors will be gone! :) The move should take no longer than 3 days (some faster than others depending on geographical location).


Thanks for your patience! The forums will remain open during this move.



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Why pretty much everyone knows the forum server is sitting in his house humming. Yippe! *breaths* Well I guess new poeple dont know that.

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Just a suggestion/question


Why don't you have a link to the forums on the "site down" page (if you're going to have one...) so that anyone visiting can be directed here to chat and see what's going on. It will ensure that people that are visiting for just TDN reasons can see the forums and not be discouraged from coming back. Who knows, maybe we'll get more forum members if the site's down.

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Just a suggestion/question


Why don't you have a link to the forums on the "site down" page (if you're going to have one...) so that anyone visiting can be directed here to chat and see what's going on. It will ensure that people that are visiting for just TDN reasons can see the forums and not be discouraged from coming back. Who knows, maybe we'll get more forum members if the site's down.


And adding to that, link directly to the Neopets News forum, and Faerie Crossword Answers forum. ;) Good suggestion.

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I wasn't online yesterday, but I don't think it's been down yet. ;)


Stephi, I believe that having a page up isn't possible (you'll get an error default to your browser that says it can't connect). If we were able to put up an error message (that we've created, with links etc.) then we might as well keep the whole site up ;) Unfortunately, it's not possible - we can't put up custom pages (nor edit the site) during the move.

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Stephi, I believe that having a page up isn't possible (you'll get an error default to your browser that says it can't connect). If we were able to put up an error message (that we've created, with links etc.) then we might as well keep the whole site up ;) Unfortunately, it's not possible - we can't put up custom pages (nor edit the site) during the move.


I never really thought of that... interesting. *is webpage illiterate, just likes the pretty colours*


But, I've seen people put up little notes about why it's down and where to go in the meantime. That's what I was thinking of.

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