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Neopian Pound


Neopian Pound  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the adoption portion of the pound dead?

    • Yes, and I couldn't be happier.
    • Yes, and I feel a little dead inside.
    • Nope, it'll be back, I just know it! >_<
    • Who cares?

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Okay, so I've been around for only a little over a month, but I do know that the adoption portion of the neopian pound has been down for even longer than that, and yet I've still not heard even an estimated date for when it will be back up. If anyone has any information about this, please do share with the rest of us, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to know.

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Nope, it's been closed for a while now. Whenever you try to access it, you get a message stating that it's down for maintenance. This makes it quite difficult to get the neopet related avatars from TDN, when you can't switch them over from a different account. v_v;;

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*is the friend who has the Cybunny*


I hope it will be back somedays... everytime TNT are late with the news, my hopes raise and I think that it could be because the pound is back. XD


What will come first : the pound reopening or Altador Cup prizes? (You don't have to answer this question, really)

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Okay, let's think about that question. Which is more important to the average Neopets player? Altador prizes, or pet adoptions? Well, I'd say the second one, so we'll probably get the prizes first. It's like they push the more important necessities off further and further.... v_v;;

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I think it might have to do with the fact that the pound is a huge stress on their network, and they just don't feel like bringing it back online, for now. v_v;;

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I think that the pound will be back eventually (but that the Altador Cup prizes will arrive first ;)).

I think TNT has probably had their hands full with the NC Mall lately... hopefully they'll start paying attention to their non-paying members again soon.

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no pound will change the game for me dramatically. I play with the option to move a pet to another account when I'm done training or playing with it for a while.. I also like to make cool pets to give to deserving owners that arent as good at making np as others are.. so they can have that faerie pet that they never would have gotten otherwise. It's important to me that they get the pound back up. I dont like waiting, but I will. As long as they dont take it away for good, I wont be mad.

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I just really want to transfer my pets to my side accounts. I figure I'll get a bunch of good looking pets, and do what you do. Of course, in order for me to do that, I need it to be open. *sobs*

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I wonder if they realize just what they're depriving us of. It's one of the most frequently used portions of the site, and yet they decided to take it down. *sits in corner and weeps*

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I'd like the pound to come back up too... its been down since Neo 2.0 came out, thats plenty long enough lol Having the lab map will be a waste for me if the pound doesn't come back because thats really all I use it for now, zapping pets from the pound and putting them back for others to get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jake - because in the pound you can find painted pets, or pets with really awesome names. Plus if you're zapping to adopt its better to get pets that are already made rather than just creating another one simply to zap it and abandon it!


Smumpkins - I'm hoping it'll be back before Christmas, but that might be a little too hopeful :(

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I can see where you're coming from, Jake. But if you think of it a different way, I like to take pets, zap them, and then put them back in the pound, so that others can have painted pets. I'm just a nice guy. :-)

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Well, we could always do something about it. I mean, I could put one of my pets up for adoption, and you put one up. I'll then use the lab ray on it until it looks cool. Then, I'll return it to the pound so you can get it back. Sound good? But, before that.... THEY NEED TO BRING BACK THE ADOPTION AGENCY!!!

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