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What's Your Weirdest Neopets Moment?


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All right. I haven't been here on the forums for a while here, wish me luck.


Anyway. I guess I'll start off with my weird moment. My account was about 55 days old (I was a super-n00b at Neo then) and I went to the Fruit Machine to see what that was all about. I thought I might get some food

out of it anyway. So, I click the button and up comes three Potlymelons (Ptolymelons? Metolypelons? Eh, w/e). We all know what that means, right? 15,000 NP and a Paintbrush. I got a Starry one. Well, being my n00by self had side effects. "Sure, lets make a Grarrl and use my Paintbrush on it! That'll ROCK!" Granted, he looks pretty cool and I still have him, but was I wrong not to sell it? I still wonder.... :guiltysmiley:



Okay, your turn. What are your weird (and possibly stupid) stories of Neopets? Tell the world! (Or, well, us at least.)



And, I do have a few more stories....but that might be for another day. ^_^

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Hrrm. Interesting question...I have a kind of similar story actually, that I got reminded of when I was replying to another topic today: when I was still a n00b I won a Silver Brightvale Job Coupon off the Wheel of Knowledge. Of course at that point I had no clue what it was or what to do with it, and saw the "estimated price" was 0NP; so I was like, geez, what a worthless prize! :P Luckily I threw it in my SDB and forgot about it instead of throwing it away or something; so a year later when I was just starting to really get into the site and all, I was going through my SDB with my Neo-playing friend looking over my shoulder. I came across the thing again and (still being a bit of a n00b) said, "Okay, what *is* this? Is it worth anything?" He said "Yeah...I think it's worth a lot actually..." and looked it up on the trading post -- turned out it was selling for around 120K at the time! Lol...my friend was amused that I'd had something that valuable just sitting around without having any clue.


Another weird thing that happened recently was that I won the 3-Puntec Fruit prize on the Fruit Machine, but the paintbrush I got was Stone. I mean, I'm not complaining, because that was still darn lucky (especially for me!) It was just one of those things...I mean, of all the paintbrushes in existence...I manage to win one of the two that don't work. Go figure :P

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I have two! :D


When I was just starting neopets, I got a random event that gave me a map piece of the secret lab. Well, I had no idea what to do with it, and I didn't know about the shop wizard back then, so I donated it! x_x


Another time, I got my first n00b mail! This person was wanting me to give him three codestones, and in return, I would get a "secret" that would give me anything I wanted on neopets. I confronted this person, and he simply said, "It really works. It's your loss if you don't believe me." I reported him, and now he's frozen. :D

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I have restocking stupid stories!


Last year, I collected my Altador Cup prizes, and I searched in the wiz for one of then, and sniped one that was cheap... and I put it in my shop and forgot a 0... so let's say instead of selling it for 20,000, I put 2000... so I lost np on it. I was pretty mad, because somebody bought it before I had the time to correct my mistake.


It also happened with a decorated negg... I put it in my shop for a ridiculous prize, just a few months ago. But I was chatting on msn with somebody, and told him what I did... and he bought me another negg and I sold for the right price.


I might have other stories later, if I remember them...

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Last week I was looking for Two dubloon coins to train my pet, and I came across a shop in the shop wizard selling 20 of them for 200NP, so I clicked it and found that EVERYTHING in the store was 200NP, including some one dubloon's a couple of codestones and various other fairly expensive items! Needless to say I bought them all and resold most of them.. Tidy profit I can tell ya...

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Wow. Impressive stories. Looks like I'll have to see if anyone can beat this! :P


Okay, well this one is about the Stock Market, so if ya hate it, don't complain to me.

I had taken a lot of stock in a company (cant remember the ticker except that it started with a J) and I had had it for about a year. It wasn't going anywhere, so I got bored and sold it for a minimal profit. The next WEEK this same stock went up to 780+. I coulda been a freaking 50 Millionare! :grrr: Yeah....it was the same stock that got closed due to insider trading, remember? Anyway, every stock I have bought since that incident has either tanked or given me a loss in some way. So, yeah, I think I'm cursed. :eh:


Alright, yeah. I still have about 2 GOOD stories left in the tank, but the rest....well, they're mildly interesting....

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Well, I don't know about weirdest, but my stupidest moment was about two years ago.

I was looking for magical blueberry chia pops on the TP, and didn't select 'identical to my phrase'. The first trade that popped up was a blueberry chia pop selling for only 500 NPs. I was super excited, because that was about 999 500 NPs below the going price. So I offered 50k, which was accepted quickly. It was only after I fed it to my chia that I realized it was a non-magical blueberry chia pop. <_<

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Well, I don't know about weirdest, but my stupidest moment was about two years ago.

I was looking for magical blueberry chia pops on the TP, and didn't select 'identical to my phrase'. The first trade that popped up was a blueberry chia pop selling for only 500 NPs. I was super excited, because that was about 999 500 NPs below the going price. So I offered 50k, which was accepted quickly. It was only after I fed it to my chia that I realized it was a non-magical blueberry chia pop. <_<


I actually did this once. Didn't offer 50k, but, still....I feel for ya.


I also, even more recently, bought a Jhudora's Spoiled Negg cause I thought it was worth 25 Negg tokens because a friend told me. Needless to say they are not my friend any more. I dislike shopping scams. But, speaking of shops, you could all visit mine after I stop giving it a shamless plug in my post. Okay, now you can go. :P

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I've got some n00bish stories.

The first is the fact that I got my own account hacked (my first one). It was really stupid. Someone was "selling" faeire paintbrushes in their shop for like.. 50K or something and I was like.. zomg! ... I should get one!... I didn't even think about it, and I clicked it and it redirected me to a login (still not suspecting anything, just worried others would buy the pbs) so, I log in, and well.. yeah, that's how the person got my info and hacked my account.

so sad.... goodbye shadowcat777.




Another one was right after I started playing I listened to the suggest retail price on items when they give you their descriptions... for instance bottled faeries. lol. Then their retail price was like.. 438NPs or something (I dunno what they are now) so I put it in my shop for that much.. of course it instantly sold, but then when I found out how to use the shop wiz I felt quite dumb. lol.


Oh, another one was when I got my first (and only) Golden Nerkmid.. I used it instantly... didn't even think to sell it. le sigh. haha.


I did a lot of n00bish things back in the day. XD

I still do. o_O

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Yea, I've used a few nerkmids and stuff that I found and didn't realize I should sell them.


My most idiodic moment would be getting the Mootix avie. After buying a Mootix I wanted it to go onto my Cyodrake or Hornsby because they were the oldest and I wasn't ever going to remove my Hornsby. I forgot, however that I had taken my Cyodrake off to put on a Huggy (which I think is horribly ugly and really don't like, but I was getting the avie) and hadn't put the Cyodrake back after getting the avie. So now I'm stuck with an ugly petpet that I'm too afraid to zap because I don't want to lose the Mootix and I can't remove it without losing the Mootix.


I also didn't realize until I had bought it, that the Mootix can't be removed and re-sold... stupid not looking things up... so I was very upset that I had used most of my Nps getting this stupid petpetpet that was on my ugly petpet and ... arg!


And a third thing. I sold my Cyodrake after the Mootix incident because now I was poor and needed some NPs for something else. I sold it for 1.9mil (at the time a little under the TP price) and I got a weapon that ended up being a HTS (I wasn't hip to the jive about HTS/ETS items). I couldn't sell it and decided after 2 months that I'd just put it away and try later... well about 4 months later I pulled it back out and it was now worth less than 50k. I was SO mad. Now I want my Cyodrake back :(


Maybe when I get my Cyodrake back I'll remove my Huggy and buy another petpetpet just to be cool.

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Wow. Thank goodness I've never bought a petpetpet before cause I would have had no idea about half of those things. ^_^


Alright, it might be time for my favorite and stupidest story. My brothers old account (Rydash2) who he forgets the password to, had once come across a Wand of Dark Nova. Yes, a Wand. The unbreakable wand. He had NO idea how he got it, maybe in a random event. He even used it for the better part of the Darigan war. Well, he met a "friend" who shared common interests with him. Well, they wanted to give each other a gift to show their "friendship" so my n00bish brother gave over the Wand. He got something...maybe 4 pieces of Secret Lab Ray map...anyway, he never heard from them again after that.


I want your opinions on this. Was this a HUGE mistake?

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I gave my wife a cooty who'd been sat in my inventory for months, and it attached to her petpet. She loved it so much but she wanted it on a different petpet so she removed the one it was on and POOF, bye bye cooty...

Trying to get her a new one of those too.. Off topic but dang, I love her... I swear, I spend all the neopoints I earn on gifts for her... I was heading towards the 1mil mark, until she signed up, now I've got roughly 9000np to my name...

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I was a right reseller back years ago. And I can't remember what items they were but I got 5 one day and the average price for them were 15k, so I sold them on for 18k each...


And a week later they were worth over 1 million each. I was so annoyed and just kept staring at all the people selling them off and becoming rich. Unlucky or what... lol. My lovely friends helped me see the funny side of it though and got me a baby paintbrush =)


lol ^^






Then there was those times when I got neomails for people saying that they'd be my boyfriend... o_O Pedophiles.

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Aw. I wish I had friends. xD


Well, okay, I guess if you look at my previous posts you'll see that I had "friends" but not "friends". Er....that makes sense, right? :S


On the subject of Neomails: Who else has gotten a chain letter from some random Neopian that somehow figured out your Neopets username even if you've never been on the boards...? I have. It's weird to get mail and spam from people who shouldn't know you exist. Right?

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On the subject of Neomails: Who else has gotten a chain letter from some random Neopian that somehow figured out your Neopets username even if you've never been on the boards...? I have. It's weird to get mail and spam from people who shouldn't know you exist. Right?


I haven't gotten many chain letters, maybe one or two through the years, but I'm on the boards sometimes. They could have found you from different things like high scores tables, your shop (search a common item then send all those people a neomail), or a guild members list.


I got a neomail when I was selling my Cyodrake that was a girl asking me to send her the item and she would send me the Nps... like without a trade or auction. I don't know how stupid she thought I was. She kept arguing that she was friends with someone in TNT and that they would do it for her. I definitely reported her but I didn't check back to see if she was frozen or suspended.

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When you hang around the neoboards, you meet both weird and stupid people. Some person was advertising a scam website (which I never visited). I informed them that they were going to be frozen (for said reason), and reported them. While everyone else on the board is slamming them, I went somewhere else. A few minutes later, I get a neofriend request from that person. When I asked why they sent it, they replied, "because you reported me". o_O

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When you hang around the neoboards, you meet both weird and stupid people. Some person was advertising a scam website (which I never visited). I informed them that they were going to be frozen (for said reason), and reported them. While everyone else on the board is slamming them, I went somewhere else. A few minutes later, I get a neofriend request from that person. When I asked why they sent it, they replied, "because you reported me". o_O


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer :yes: .

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Ha, so true. They aren't on my list anymore (they're frozen now), since I've gotten rid of all the people I don't keep in touch with anymore.

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This is why I perfer these boards to the Neoboards. On here there are virtually zero scammers/hackers/losers/weirdos/etc, etc, etc. Plus, I'm able to find boards I've made within the past three days. :P So, yeah, they could have found me though a highscore table or something, but, oh well.

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