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Meepits. Good for lunch?


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Uh, we better watch out. Meepits are delicious (especially with the gravy), but those ones look angry.

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Ahem. *stares pointedly at flamethrowers being aimed threateningly by meepits* Well if we stole those, we could use the gas for the barbecue, since ours is running out. Hey does anyone have curry?

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Gumbo sounds good! We'll gather round, have some gumbo, those of us of age'll drink a few beers, those of us not can have grape juice or something... It'll be a party... I'll bring my Wii and thrash you all at wii golf... And then, the meepits shall invade and eat us as revenge.

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Have no fear! I'll take care of the meepits. *Gestures towards mind-controlled feepit army*

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