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140,000 Posts! [Updated 3/2/2008]


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Yep and since I am not one of those people going away on holiday I should be much more active here.


148,362 posts by the way. We're getting really close now :D

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Dunno, maybe. I'll be happy and I'll post here about it, but then after that I don't know what will happen...


I suppose this board will slip away and become inactive for the next 40-50k posts, because after reaching 150k what else do we really have to talk about?

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We could throw our own little party every 10,000 posts :)

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Only mods can delete posts, probably because allowing members to delete their posts would cause a few weird problems... just report yourself using the report button on one of the posts and everything should be fine. :yes:


I wonder how long it will take for us to reach a million posts?

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Well since this thread has been going since 2006 and when it started TDN had just reached 10,000 posts ... well you work it out, your the smart one!!!

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Well using a site I found on Google, I worked out that TDN Forums has been around for 615 days.

Now if you divide 148,802 (the current number of posts) by 615 you will discover that we make around 241.95 (to 2 decimal places) posts a day.

Now if you divide 1,000,000 by the amount of posts we make a day (241.95) then you will get 4133 (to the nearest whole number)


If my calculations are correct that means it will take us 4133 days or 11.32 years (that's standard years. Although I doubt leap years would make much of a difference) until we reach 1 million posts.


But I think those 11.32 years is excluding the time TDN Forums has already been around for, so I think that means we'll reach it in around 10 or 9 years or so. This is just rough working though...

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What? Why? We're so close! It's only another 9 years or so before we get there. We'll be there in no time :P


I think I should get a laptop, become a hermit in the mountains somewhere and just spend the rest of my life posting. That'll probably help us get to 1 million faster :laughingsmiley:

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:laughingsmiley: Yeah, that's a good idea!


Factoring in the time TDN forums has been around, the estimated time remaining is 9.638356164 standard years. Of course, mathematical calculations aren't that accurate (posting rates vary anyway), so I'll just give it a guess at anywhere from 8-11 years before we hit 1 million. :yes:

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Well there you go guys, 8-11 years until we're reach 1 million posts.


However, if we all post twice as much, then it will only be 4-5.5 years! So get posting :P

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Well unfortunately I have urgent work to do, but I think I've made a sufficient post contribution today anyway. :P

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Oh so you think 80 posts is enough?!?! Well that's the sort of attitude that's keeping us from reaching 1 million posts! I'm disappointed in you AA.. :P


Just kidding! 80 posts is a freakishly large amount. Now I'm going to slowly try and catch up to you, but I probably wont even get 40 :D

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Well there's no need to go to extra lengths to think of something to post - just say something if you have something to say (as long as it's appropriate of course). :yes:

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Well that is usually what I just do, but obviously not as much as you. That being said, I am still one of the most active people here and I'm usually near the top end of the Today's Top Posters list.


By the way, we've got 149,164 posts now. We're on the home stretch now, so lets finish it off!

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Yes, let's do that - but tomorrow we'll be working on readjusting the reactor seals so as to stop all those leaks, so I might not be as active here.

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149,272 posts guys, we're so close. Finish it off! :D


Then once that's done we can focus on reaching 1 million! (I'm kidding):P

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Don't worry - I'm posting hard and fast. :yes:


Just remember not to spam. :P

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Me SPAM?!?! Never :P

I don't spam but I do spread chain letters. So repost this message 10 times or you'll have bad luck for the rest of your life! :laughingsmiley:


Just over 600 posts to go guys!

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I delete chain mails without reading them - they are not welcome in my inbox.


Unless, of course, they're incredibly hilarious. :P

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I don't even bother checking my emails anymore... Everybody sends me so much spam, junk and chain messages that I couldn't be bothered to sift through them all to find real messages. Not that anybody really sends me emails much, if they want to talk to me, then MSN or a phone call will do the job just as well.


But to keep this on topic, we are currently at 149,383 posts

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And closing... I bet we'll hit our goal sometime in the next week (or even tomorrow). :yes:

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I predict two or three days. We seem to average about 200-300 posts a day, so unless we're all extremely inactive for some reason, it will be done in less than a week.


Hopefully I'll be online when we reach 150k...

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