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140,000 Posts! [Updated 3/2/2008]

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146,230 now. I suppose there are a lot more posts at the moment due to the Daily Dare coming to a climatic end and many people have questions.


The forums have been active lately, but I've been busy and also my internet just died for no reason yesterday. It's fine now, but it meant I couldn't post anything (or do anything very exciting on my computer) for a short while.


Well internet here is on the blink... the system keeps dropping every 5 minutes, plus I need to download my lecture notes for the week. *sigh*


At least I'm still posting. :P


My internet is usually pretty reliable, it's just slow.


But it's good enough for me to post here, so post I shall! *runs away to post*


Well we are slowly closing on our target, despite a decrease in my activity on the forums...


My activity has also declined, but my school term finishes in about two weeks, so I can only see my activity going up from here.


We'll reach our goal eventually...


146,670 posts and counting - keep it up people! :D


146,692 posts (not including this one) that is 22 posts in around 30 or so minutes. That's a pretty good rate of posting...


Well it's not quite fast enough - faster! Faster! Charge!!! :P


I'll have to go soon, so carry on bringing us closer to that elusive goal.


We're over the 147k mark, less than 3k posts to go!


We're getting close now :D


:whistle: We are the posters of TDN

Adding to the count again and again

We will never stop

Until we drop

Or get too bored :P


One day I'll make up a rhyme or a little ditty, I just need an idea or something. I promise I will not forget this! *forgets*


147,605 posts now. We're within 2500 posts of the big goal!


Well the forums downtime certainly set us back a bit, but now the TDN community is back with a vengeance! :evil: Let's post!


The downtime wasn't too bad and we should hopefully bounce back pretty well. I couldn't even come on while it was down, so I wasn't really affected by it much.


Less than 1/4 to go!


Well, I'll just quote approximately what I was thinking when I saw the forums downtime message:


What!? The forums are down! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I can't live without the forums! *commits suicide*

Well in any case, I survived. :P


You really should try getting stronger rope, twine isn't going to get the job done. :devil:


My first reaction when I noticed it was down was "Oh no, now what do I do?" and then I actually left my room and ventured OUTSIDE! :O It was nice to see the sun and stretch my legs... For about three seconds. Then I got bored and did something else. That's just how I roll XD


:P We're both very bored creatures of the indoors aren't we? Well at least that helps TDN's post count. :yes:


147,885 post, only 2,115 post to go.


The boards have been a little dead lately, so I can't post much. They were so boring that last night I went through the list and pulled up a few old topics....


Hopefully you didn't pull up topics more than 14 days old. :P


And things are slowly livening up again, though for how long I can't say...


Meh... I don't know if I checked, but ohwell I am sure I wont get into too much trouble if I did :P


Eh, I check almost every topic, so I get to post a lot. :P


We're getting closer...


I also check pretty much every topic most days as well, although over the past few days I haven't posted much.


But with holidays looming (tomorrow is my last day), chances are I'll be a lot more active :D


Think it is school holidays over here too tomorrow, does that generally mean TDN get a few more posters as kids are able to use the net more often, or not?


Well usually the numbers stay pretty stable, since more members get the chance to be active while others go away to various places on holiday. :yes:

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