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140,000 Posts! [Updated 3/2/2008]


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Eh, I'm feeling a mysterious urge to go and play The Last Blast right now... I wonder why? :P

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Wow after how long it would have taken you to make that guide, I'm surprised you would still want to play the Last Blast. I'd be sick of it by now.


Anyway, you can calculate the estimated time if you wish, nobody is forcing you :P

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Well it's a pity I didn't get to contribute much to the post count today... but I have to go. :sad01_anim:

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Ah, I haven't contributed that much either and I have to go soon as well.


Cya AA!

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Well I have a chance to contribute more now... if my power doesn't go out again. <_<

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Well I should post a lot more over the next few days, due to a 5 day long Easter break. Although I might be busy with friends and homework and stuff like that, so I don't really know how active I'll be.


Hopefully I can be as active as possible.

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And hopefully we'll get more truly active members. :yes:


I've just realised that if I go away for a few days, the forums activity drops significantly. :P

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Well I've been away for the past day or two and I think the activity dropped a bit. Did you notice anything?


Up to 144,070 posts now, I suppose we'll get there soon enough. Also in an unrelated matter, we are up to 4997 members. So I congratulate TDN in advance for 5000 members! :P

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Yeah, I did notice the drop as a matter of fact. :yes: But hopefully we'll stay on track.

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Well I was inactive again tonight, but you still posted a lot. The activity wasn't too badly affected though, but I suppose it varies from day to day.


*tries to be more active*

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I've been kinda inactive lately as well... and classes start again tomorrow. Oh well, slow and steady wins the race. :yes:

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I go back to school on Tuesday, but chances are that will probably make me more active.


I seem to be more active when I have work to procrastinate :P

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:P That's true. My classes start today, and my timetables are pretty full, but at least the weekends are free. :yes:

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Well like I said on the Hang Out and Post board I might be a bit inactive for a little while because my keyboard is broken. I'll be back soon though :D


I wonder if this will affect forum activity?

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I predict that it will.


My timetable for tomorrow is okay, so I should be active then - 144,407 posts, c'mon people!

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Wow, I missed like a day or two due to my keyboard and it's hard to catch up with all the posts

Anyway, my keyboard problem has been solved (sooner than I thought) and I'm free to be as active as I want to be :D


Up to 144,933 posts!

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We're closing in on 145k, which is 5k closer to 150k than when we started closing in on 150k, or is that... never mind. :S

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We started off strong but then we sorta slowed down over the past week or so. Still we're coming up on the half way mark soon!


Cookies and pizza to the person who get the 145kth post :P

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Woohoo! Yay TDN! We're just a bit past halfway to our goal of 150k posts. Congrats :D


*hands cookies and pizza to the person who made the 145kth post*

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Well how do we have any idea who it was? :P


I'm still posting heavily, despite a steadily increasing workload...

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We can't know who it was so I suppose we'll just have to hand out free DOOM cookies to everyone! Mwuahahaha!


Does the topic name get changed every 5k posts or 10k posts? If it's every 5k then I suppose someone should change the thread's name...

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Nah, I think we should wait 'til we get to 150k. It'll be a bigger occasion then. :yes:

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Agreed. I imagine that the 150k celebration will be a reasonably big one, at least on this board. Anyway, even if nobody cares, I care and you seem to care and that's all we need for a party :P

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