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((So that makes him an internet entity then. Huh, I honestly don't know what else to add on my part now.))

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((Okay, I'll add some))


At the Zzyzx labs control room, everything was quiet. The rogue experiment had been brought in, and the exits were locked down. The security system appeared fully operational, and didn't show any intruders.


Outside the control room, everything was chaos. The bulkhead doors that partitioned the corridors, designed to help repel assaults, had slid shut, sealing the staff and security teams in whatever area of the building they had been in when the alarms went off. The automated security system had gone haywire, and pop-up guns were now spraying everyone inside with highly concentrated sedative darts. SC1 was making his move. Without his body, he couldn't continue his original mission - he had never known anger before, but now it burned inside him more fiercely than it had burned in any mind before.


((I've been busy, and I'm having trouble catching up! :O I guess I'll just jump in.))


Sahetow broke away from the rabbit and sniffed the air. A human camp. She exited the forest and saw the camp in the distance, occupied by about six humans. Sahetow's claws came out.


Sahetow, stop! You cannot continue killing these creatures!


"But I must..." she wispered to herself, and pounced upon the humans.


They never stood a chance.


As Sahetow was cleaning her paws, she detected another group of humans nearby.


"Military base..."


Sahetow made a giant leap over the camp and ran toward the base.


Ayde was done with what she was told to do and went outside the facility, she would only be in the way inside the base as they tried to fix the security system after the lightning storm.

She walked about 500 yards to the east and sat under a tree. Soon she just fell asleep.


Levy, without his stealth system, was able to be seen. But they wouldn't be able to distinguish him from the others he blends right in. And with the chaos the bomb had started, everyone just wants to get out of the stronghold.


SC1 locked the control system for the nuclear reactors that powered the facility in automatic mode. The technicians, busy trying to repair the security system, didn't notice. He raised all of the control rods in the reactor, while simultaneously lowering the fuel rods and locking down the exhaust vents that led out of the main reactor chamber. A few minutes later, the reactors detonated in a spectacular explosion that took out most of Zzyzx Labs' headquarters.


Ayde was asleep so she didn't notice the flash, but the blast and quake shook her violently. She managed to get to her feet and look back in horror as the Zzyzx labs burned, and the plume from the explosion rising higher into the air. Ayde was immune to the physical effects of Nuclear holocaust, but the emotional surge of sorrow flowed through her bloodstream like a virus.


With the elimination of their headquarters, Zzyzx would be temporarily out of the game. The anger subsiding, SC1 retreated back into his passive, invisible state, while continuing to ponder the new sensation. After a while, he concluded that it could simply be considered as an overload of the human 'fight or flight' response, one of the many human systems dedicated to their survival.


The Stronghold had fallen.

Centuries of work and beauty had been destroyed in a matter of seconds. Nkiruka pushed off the rubble covering her body and waded over to the body of Aldebaran. Aldebaran was dying, the last known dragon in the world was dying. Wading in the rocks, she came to the prone dragon

"Protect this forest from those who will take advantage." his last words echoed.

"But how will I protect?"

Aldebaran spat out a tooth, "As long as you have this- you can protect it better than I did."

Picking the tooth up, Nkiruka felt a buzz of electricity through her veins and fell to the floor.


Sahetow approached the base and glared at the men around it. They seemed to be grabbing for their guns and giving orders to others. Sahetow growled and whacked at some of the people. They went flying, while others fired at the enormous cat that was now twice their size. The bullets hit Sahetow in the chest, and she roared loudly. Sahetow knocked over the men with the guns and prowled around the base searching for more humans.


(This looks like a sweet roleplay! But... I sorta came late, eh? Not sure If I can join now, but I can read each page carefully to catch up and try to fit in... 'Tis alright though)


((Oh, you can go ahead and join. The world is in trouble! :O))


Sahetow sniffed the air again and found a full crowd of humans gathering around the cat, waiting for her to make a move. She jumped up into the air and stomped on some of the humans, while the rest fired at her again. She tossed those humans out of the way and started pounding on the buildings.




Sahetow paused and looked around.


Name: Dinotross


Gender: Male


Species: Bird/Lizard hybrid

Description: A large bipedal lizard covered from head to toe in white feathers and has a beaked snout, along with winged feathered forelimbs. A tail is absent and replaced with tail feathers.


Purpose: Although selfish, Dinotross could care less about world domination. He may not show it, but he actually does care for Earth.


Other info: Dinotross was once an ordinary Komodo Dragon that had been captured and put through long and tedious experiments. Fused with the DNA of a Great albatross, Dinotross greatly increased to the size of two average male adults and became bipedal. Covered in long slick feathers, he resembled a Velociraptor of some sort. A tail is absent but is replaced with tail feathers. Unlike dinosaurs, Dinotross can fully take flight due to his enormous wingspan of nearly twenty feet. Speech is present although proper speech is another story. Dinotross is indeed, a creature of terror.




Living high up in a small cave atop Mt. Everest, Dinotross looked down at the earth below. He knew the world was in peril as he could feel it in the mountain. All Dinotross could do was wait before making any moves.


Get out of the base.


"What...what was that," Sahetow wispered to herself.


Stop talking! Get out of the base!


Sahetow backed away from the building. The military ceased its fire.


Leave now, Sahetow! If you don't you will die!


She growled at the humans and sprinted away.


When the military base was out of sight, Sahetow sat down and sighed. "Who was speaking to me?"


I was.


"Who are you? Where are you?"


Sahetow, you have killed many innocent creatures during your rampage.


"But the humans have wrecked this world," she said with a growl.


It is you yourself that is wrecking this world at the moment, along with Levy and SC1.


Sahetow tried to think of who they were for a moment, then remembered. "I knew I didn't trust them..."


It does not matter now. Go back to the forest, Sahetow.


The cat did nothing.


Go back to the forest!


Still nothing.




"No...I have other business to attend to..." She leapt away.


Head lifted high in the air, Dinotross listened intently. The Laboratory! He recalled how other creature escaped the vile experiments. Panic struck through some. Rage struck through others. Where are they now? Are they causing the disturbance that Dinotross now feels?

Stretching his wings, Dinotross ascended high into the sky and looked at the world beneath him. Perhaps a bird's eye view will aid in finding the survivors.


As Sahetow walked about the land, she began thinking. What could a small creature like Levy do? I can understand the damage SC1 could cause, but Levy? It's almost a joke. Sahetow ignored the creatures that didn't bother interacting with her, but she stopped at a small creature standing at her feet.


It was another cat.


Sahetow decided to give it a chance, seeing as how it was one of her own. She used her native language with it.


Move out of the way.


No, it replied.


If you don't want to become part of the ground, you'll step aside.


Never, Sahetow.


Quickly accelerating in speed, Dinotross kept a sharp eye on the ground below. The wind hardly affected him as he gently swept through the air.

Forests are good habitats for many creatures. Maybe...


Sahetow started at the cat.


How do you know my name?


That's not important. Please come with me.


Where are you going?


The forest. I want to show you something.


Sahetow stood still. At first she didn't believe it, but it became more likely the more she thought about it.


You're that voice that's been talking to me. You've been following me, haven't you?


Sahetow, I'm just trying to protect you and everyone else in this world.


Forget it. No one is this world is worth being protected. Not even you. Now stand aside.


The cat slowly walked away, and Sahetow continued to search the land.


A large figure of a cat came into view as Dinotross started to descend to the ground. The cat was abnormal though, as he noticed their were six legs on the creature and it was larger than normal? A Laboratory survivor?

Dinotross let out a long chittering squawk.


As Sahetow walked around the land, she heard the screeching of a bird above her. She looked behind her, then up at the sky. Sahetow found it to be a lizard, or an albatross, whichever. At first, she thought nothing about it, but then she stopped. An animal like that has to be from... Sahetow sat down and stared at the bird-like lizard.


Circling high above the cat, Dinotross screeched a second time. Quickly, he opened his talons wide as he prepared for landing. With a loud thump, he landed next to the cat creature. "You creature at lab, correct?" he roughly asked.


Sahetow gave a funny look to Dinotross. "Are you dumb or something? Your speech is awful." She shook her head. "Yeah, I'm from the lab. You probably are too. So what are you prepared to do about it?"


A disgruntled look emerged from Dinotross's eyes. "I prepared. Live in mount up high. Everest is name of mount."

The truth is, he was an absolute horrible speaker. Still, he is an animal. What are you to do?

"Trouble. Pain. True?"


Although it took Sahetow a moment to figure out what Dinotross was saying, she could still understand him. "It doesn't matter to you if I'm troubled or not. But maybe you could help me." Sahetow stood up. "I'm looking for a human cyborg and an anthromorphic fox. If you see them, tell me immediately. I have something to settle with them."


Levy managed to reactivate his stealth vest and disappeared from anyone's visible sight. And he ran, ran back to Zzyzx to report his test a success.


When he got there he saw the charred remains of the once enormous structure and his sister, Ayde, digging through the rubble in a pathetic attempt to save anyone who may be inside.

"Ron, Mike, Rachel, Brian... gone, all gone..." she broke down in tears.

Levy approached her, "Ayde..."

Like lightning, Ayde wielded her plasma riffle and aimed it at Levy.

"Stop, its me!" Levy shouted.

"Levy? Thank God, your alive!" she said, still sobbing over her lost friends and coworkers from the facility. She raced to Levy and embraced him.

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