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Can't customize pet outfit in new beta :(

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Anyone else having trouble with changing their pet's outfit with the site's change to the new beta? I'm trying to change the outfit of one of my pets (not the main active pet), but it's just stuck on the loading screen. I've tried refreshing, pausing any ad blockers, making the pet the active pet ... nothing seems to help. I've tried with the others and I can customize my other pets, just not the cybunny. 😞 Any ideas?

Edit: Also, does anyone know why some items are grey-ed out even though they aren't in use by the other pets?

Edit 2: I was able to go back to the classic page and change the outfit there, but still glitchy on the beta page. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if the beta page gets better. 


not having the loading issue (yet anyway) but the beta page is also giving me the greyed-out items problem for things that aren't equipped on my other pets. would like to know why that is as well, it doesn't seem to be layering conflicts as many of these are just backgrounds with no foregrounds on them.


i believe the greyed out items are ones that they haven't fully coded for the new beta, non-flash system. definitely easier to customise in the classic version (as long as we're able to) for the time being!

9 hours ago, mokusei4 said:

http://www.neopets.com/customise/classic.phtml here's the link for ya.

i am going to continue using this and hopefully they let the new one cook in the oven until it's ready before taking the old one down haha

Excuse me, what I wanted to know is how to use neopets in general in classic mode, not only how to customise my pets 

1 hour ago, Oquendof said:

Excuse me, what I wanted to know is how to use neopets in general in classic mode, not only how to customise my pets 

Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible anymore, as support for Flash ends today. We've all switched over to "Beta" mode now; the option to switch back to classic has been removed. (Although quite a few pages will (randomly) still show up in classic mode...)

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