Parshy Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 Discusse any thing you did that you are not proud of. I go first,. Thing that if i trough the Drgarian ball into my goal, it would go the other way. It didn't.
Awesome_Paul Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 one thing (done it a couple of times) had a darigan ball planning to throw it from my goalie to the defender in the top corner, So because of the angles i pointed it top right in said of top left. it actually went down into my goal rather than to the defender :grrr:
The Big Cheese Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 I just scored with my first Darigan Yooyu :D But yeah, Ive done that before :P
Matt Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 I've only ever scored once with a Darigan Yooyu. That was purely by luck than judgement. The biggest ball-up (To pardon the pun) was where I threw the Yooyu up and it rebounded into my own goal. You see, I play it using my laptop's touchpad, which jumps to random places if your fingers are even slightly wet (Like sweat). So yeah, it jumped and I threw the Yooyu up and back into my own goal. D'oh.
MOPGhost Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 The oppentent usually almost score in their net if they pass backward in the start of the round with a faerie!
onime_no_kai Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 I've only ever scored once with a Darigan Yooyu. That was purely by luck than judgement. The biggest ball-up (To pardon the pun) was where I threw the Yooyu up and it rebounded into my own goal. You see, I play it using my laptop's touchpad, which jumps to random places if your fingers are even slightly wet (Like sweat). So yeah, it jumped and I threw the Yooyu up and back into my own goal. D'oh. Gahh, frustrating...nice to know I'm not the only one who has troubles when playing this game with a touchpad mouse though. I haven't had the sweat problem, but if I'm not reeeeally careful when I'm steering a player, the mouse will get too close and accidentally activate someone else -- giving the other team time to steal the ball back from the first player, who's now just standing there like an idiot. Which is especially frustrating considering that when I actually *try* to switch players it doesn't always work; I've had several goals scored on my side because I wasn't able to activate the goalie fast enough. :ohno:
Izzy ♥ Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 ^^ Thats why I went and got an actual mouse for my laptop last year... its way easier! My biggest screw-up so far has been trying to aim with the Faerie one >.< It actually rebounded off the top right corner of the pitch and into my goal lol I've only had one Darigan yooyu the whole time I've been playing so no problems with that *yet*
Superfly Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 ^^ Thats why I went and got an actual mouse for my laptop last year... its way easier! ~~~~~~~~ Yep, last week I went out and got a $40 wireless mouse for my laptop on sale for $10!
Xepha Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 Hum... I scored on purpose in my goal just to get a screenie of it XD lol
antiaircraft Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 When I played my first match this year, I set it to play right to left as opposed to left to right as I normally do. As a result, I quickly scored my first goal of the year - for the enemy team.
Matt Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 I have a wireless mouse, yes. But it's just not very good. :/ That jumps around more than my touchpad. :P
antiaircraft Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 I use an optical mouse, but since my mum got a glass table, I've had to use a piece of paper as a mousepad - it's not too bad, but it jumps occasionally.
Midtime Posted June 9, 2007 Posted June 9, 2007 Lucky I have a ball mouse, then. I often hear Theodore throwing a fit at the other end of the table because of his. I was trying to play Yooyuball in the breaks of a TV show. I scored two goals, then the show came back on and I absent-mindedly switched to another window. :exclamation: Note: before you read what happened next, please try to guess it. :exclamation: When the break came on, I found the two reporters staring at me. As I had no recollection of what happened, I clicked on 'continue' having no idea what was going on. I had suffered my first ever loss in an Altador Cup match. The score read: Meridell Altador 7 2
poppypowerofoz Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 I despise the Darigan Yooyu. That, and my evil touchpad on my laptop. Last year I had a normal mouse (used a normal computer) and there were no evil Darigan Yooyus Now, I play SO badly!!! last year I was SO good! now I stink! :crying:
ne0pets22 Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 once i tried to fire awy from the enemy goal in hope of scoring. i didnt score in my own goal... but i gave gave the ball to the enemy right next to my goal.
Lutarist Jake Posted June 12, 2007 Posted June 12, 2007 I never screwed up before... but almost did... same as antiacraft, just that I was luckier. My player was facing the wall, so the opponant player kept knocking at him but could not get the ball. Good time wasting tactic.
ne0pets22 Posted June 13, 2007 Posted June 13, 2007 hmmm... ill have to try that. RESULT OF TESTING: sometimes the smashing turns your guy around, stick your guy in the corner for better results.
Lutarist Jake Posted June 14, 2007 Posted June 14, 2007 *nervous laugh* It has gotten me most of my wins. I score 5 goals and turn to the wall.
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