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Faerie Quest Help


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I'm not sure whether I can post this or not but as I see nothing against it...

I rejoined Neopets recently with a new account (and hence I am under 4 months and have a little bit of NP), and I just received a rare Faerie Quest. However, I'm looking for a Snowy Xweetok Dress, which I can't even find on the Trading Post. I'm not sure what I can do, since no one is selling it in stores. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should do?

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I'm not sure whether I can post this or not but as I see nothing against it...

I rejoined Neopets recently with a new account (and hence I am under 4 months and have a little bit of NP), and I just received a rare Faerie Quest. However, I'm looking for a Snowy Xweetok Dress, which I can't even find on the Trading Post. I'm not sure what I can do, since no one is selling it in stores. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should do?


Have you tried the Auctions? And if it's for the Fountain Faerie I would strongly suggest you DON'T abandon the quest!!!


P.S The Art Of Cybunnies - http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=simsabim&buy_obj_info_id=12412&buy_cost_neopoints=599&

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Have you tried the Auctions? And if it's for the Fountain Faerie I would strongly suggest you DON'T abandon the quest!!!


I tried the auctions, and pretty much everything else. Oh well, I guess it's not worth it. 300,000 + Np is a little much anyways.

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Are you insane? for a FFQ, I would drop EVERYTHING, and save my BUTT off until I got what she demanded from me. Most colors are EXPENSIVE as all get out and you will not find a color cheaper than her demands if you want a rare one. FAERIE pets are 1m+ Some pets are 4m+ to paint. SERIOUSLY. GO HERE.. http://www.thedailyneopets.com/dailies#games Save your NP. You'll find what she wants sooner or later, so DO NOT abandon that quest. You may NEVER get another one.

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Can someone please help me find a Mynci T-Shirt? Thank you! The previous shop sold out


It's in stock right now in the Unis Clothing Shop (search Neopets, then click on the 'See if this item is in stock' button). I don't know if it's cheaper on the Shop Wizard and I can't check because I'm on a quest right now. Hope this helps.




Thanks! And I see you're a fellow BCer. Hello! :woot:

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Are you insane? for a FFQ, I would drop EVERYTHING, and save my BUTT off until I got what she demanded from me. Most colors are EXPENSIVE as all get out and you will not find a color cheaper than her demands if you want a rare one. FAERIE pets are 1m+ Some pets are 4m+ to paint. SERIOUSLY. GO HERE.. http://www.thedailyneopets.com/dailies#games Save your NP. You'll find what she wants sooner or later, so DO NOT abandon that quest. You may NEVER get another one.


Well, I never actually stated that I got a FFQ, that was just assumed. And anyways, I have enough NP, my problem is actually finding where to get the item. Thanks anyways.

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It is indeed cheaper in Uni's clothing shop, so if you have not already bought the one I posted, please go there, LOL


If you did not get a FFQ, unless it's Fyora, cancel it. (I have no idea what the benefits of Fyora are, but you know... other people might). If you DID get a FFQ, keep it, you'll find the item eventually. Random items come up all the time. And if you use the Neoboards, you are more likely to find it.

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OMG! For the second time the shop has sold out... Can you please help me find a Mynci T-Shirt again? Thank you!

Hehe. Here you go. Good luck! ;)



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