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Faerie Quest Help


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Im looking for A Grundo Christmas. thanks in advance! :D


Merry christmas and gl with the quest lol





The Water Faerie needs a The Lonely Elephante, please and thank you!


here you go and gl with your quest


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Thanks a lot, my pet's defence got raised by one. :)

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Can anyone help me find the cheapest possible Ogrin Sock Puppet?



I can!|There's 1 for 25 000 nps.



Looking for a Gargoyle Troop. Thanks in advance :)



Here you go. :) There are 3 for 970 nps. ;)

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With a bang, a Dark Faerie appears. "Get me Zargrold Gormball Action Figure. Don't ask questions and maybe I won't turn you into a Blechy."

Thank you!



Here are 3 for 19 900 nps. Expensive. :/



I seek a Starry Box Kite. Thanks in advance.


Here you go. A mere 4 370 nps. :)

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