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Changing Positions/sequence of Pets

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I was just wondering if i can switch the positions of my neopets. I got a chomby yesterday (it's my fifth neopet, and i had my fourth years ago...). According to my experience, it should be listed at the lowest position in the item list (like when you use an item/food to feed your neopets), or on the most right hand side of your quick reference page. But my new Chomby ran to the first position (highest in the item list and the most left hand side in the quick reference page). 

Is there any method to manually switch the positions of my neopets? So i can have my new Chomby at the last of the list? 

Many thanks in advance,


That seems to be the case... And i wasn't aware of that after all these years..... (embarrassed... )
Thank you for your answer!

Many thanks,

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