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I need to know if I'm gonna get in trouble for this! Side account question.

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Years and years (almost nine to be more specific), my little sister wanted her own Neopets account. She was eight years old at the time, so she had to sign up with a parental email. At the time we had no real parental figure (y'know, foster care and all), so I put her on the email address I was using at the time, and she played on it for a few years. I didn't think to make a new email for it, as I was only eleven myself. After a while she forgot about the account and stopped playing for a very long time. It still sits on my old main email. I have never once used the account for my own personal gain.


Due to the database leak, passwords were wiped on many old accounts. My sister's was one of them. Because her account was an under 18 account when it was created, you cannot reset the password on it even with the original email. It happened to one of my sides, so I already know the drill on that. I have to submit a ticket and ask for a reset. :(


She's turning 17 on May 4th. I really want to recover her account so she can have it again. We have many fond memories of playing together and we want to start playing together again. Problem is, it's not technically my account, just my email. I plan on letting her change the email and password and all that, of course! Would I be able to submit a ticket on this without losing her account (or any of mine for that matter!!)? Sorry about that wall of text and thank you so much! 


Unfortunately she would need to submit the ticket herself to try and get her account back.


Unfortunately as Mouseykins said she would have file the ticket herself. :(

But tell your sister happy birthday. My little sister is turning 19 next month. :) Does she get the "May the Forth be with you" thing on her birthday?

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