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The Daily Neopets Goes International!


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It's an exclusive alright: The Daily Neopets, your Lost Isle plot resource, has taken a leap into the wild and gone international.


Did you know that the Lost Isle plot is produced in all 11 languages? We did, and we've realised that for 10 of these languages, there's no help avaliable whatsoever. TDN intended to change that; and in a major step in it's two year history, before any other Neopian help site, has translated all of it's plot content into just a few of these languages.


TDN now offers plot content in German, Spanish, French and Dutch - and we're not stopping now. A dedicated team of translators have been working to provide you with gramatically correct and fluent help in your first, or second language. It's not a computer bot; every translator speaks their chosen language primarily, so it's sure to be correct. We've got Chinese, Portugese and Korean in the works. That's right - Verlorenen Insel Plot/L’aventure de l’Ile Perdue/Verloren Eiland plot/Travesía hacia la Isla Perdida | Hilfe/Aide/Hulp/Ayuda.




Lost Isle Content - auf Deutsch, en Français, in het Nederlands and en Español


We hope to bring content to you on a much wider scale. The Daily Neopets really is your daily resource for Neopets help.

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I think I had to comment ;p


I'm really proud to provide you the French translation of the Lost Isle Guides :D


This idea is making the best neopets fan site even better!



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Woo Hoo! Our fifth step towards world domination!!!


casse-tte doesn't mean headache


casse-tête is puzzle... XD


headhache is mal de tête :P


different XD

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The French and Spanish translators have revealed themselves :P The German and the Dutch translators aren't members of the forums.


The Portugese one, soon to come, however, is. :)

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The French and Spanish translators have revealed themselves :P The German and the Dutch translators aren't members of the forums.


The Portugese one, soon to come, however, is. :)


Off course we showed... we did it for the glory of TDN :P

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Well, the German revision aids are down to me. :D


Glad to be of help.


Be careful though. Neopets tends to use Americanisms in its own translations and I have kept them to avoid confusion for readers even when there is a perfectly normal German word to use. ;)

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Hey dude! Isnt the neopets site in BRAZILIAN Protuguese?! Why would the help thing be in PORTUGAL Portuguese? o_O

I'm mean, its strange reading it with Portugal accent... :guiltysmiley:


Yes, Neopets is in Brazilian Portuguese. However, I am Portuguese (from Portugal) and this is the most correct way to write (just like American and British English, I prefer American but British is the most correct form).


Also, you can see the Portuguese flag, which is a sure sign of the way it is written.

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