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The time has come for you to vote for your favourite entries! You can vote for as many entries as you like (except your own, of course).

Please make sure to check the animation link below each entry for a better viewing.

Current theme: Green With Envy
Description: Create a predominantly green outfit for any pet (avoid other colours as much as you can). 

Voting period: Monday, March 13th - Sunday, March 19th


Voting is now officially closed! And the winners are...

1st Place

Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1329417

2nd Place

If I Were King of the Forest
Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1329869
...not queen, not duke, not prince.

3rd Place

Hide and Seek!
Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1328862
During a game of hide and seek in Illusen's Glade, a conversation was overheard, spoken in whispers from the bushes.

Illusen: "But Angel, they can STILL see you!" 

Angel_Morningstar: "Shh! Just bring me another shrubbery! Trust me, they'll never find me! I'll blend in! That's what Shadow Ixis do best!"

Illusen: "It won't work, I can still see you so they can too!"

Angel_Morningstar: "Get down and stop whispering so loud! Just so you know, I'm just as good at hiding as those sneaky pants McNinjas."

Illusen: "Oh so that's what this is. Admit it, you ENVY the Stealthy Pets because you thought you were better at hiding until they came along."

Angel_Morningstar: "I AM better at hiding! Now shhhh! Someone's coming. You just watch, Illusen! I'll prove it! They'll never find me! Shadows rule, Stealthy Pets just look silly in their dark pajamas and sandals with socks! Hmph!" 



Forced Smile
Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1328669
So you live in a mansion and don't invite me over, but you invite yourself over to my house? How...nice of you. I'm not angry at all. Come on in.

Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1328244
Because she grew up poor herself, once a year Luckbringer delivers pots full of shining neopoints to the poor neopets of Neopia.

Gracie's ShamRocknRoll Birthday Party
Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1328752
It's Gracie's 8th birthday and she's celebrating like a rockstar! All week, she has been spreading the news to her friends and neighbors. "It's going to be the biggest, grandest party anyone in Meridell has ever seen!" Not only do the four leaf clovers help incorporate the St Patrick's Day theme of March but she's also hoping they will bring her some good luck as well and make her party as successful as she dreams! 

Hide and Seek!
Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1328862
During a game of hide and seek in Illusen's Glade, a conversation was overheard, spoken in whispers from the bushes.

Illusen: "But Angel, they can STILL see you!" 

Angel_Morningstar: "Shh! Just bring me another shrubbery! Trust me, they'll never find me! I'll blend in! That's what Shadow Ixis do best!"

Illusen: "It won't work, I can still see you so they can too!"

Angel_Morningstar: "Get down and stop whispering so loud! Just so you know, I'm just as good at hiding as those sneaky pants McNinjas."

Illusen: "Oh so that's what this is. Admit it, you ENVY the Stealthy Pets because you thought you were better at hiding until they came along."

Angel_Morningstar: "I AM better at hiding! Now shhhh! Someone's coming. You just watch, Illusen! I'll prove it! They'll never find me! Shadows rule, Stealthy Pets just look silly in their dark pajamas and sandals with socks! Hmph!" 

Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1329417

Seeing Green
Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1329542
Her eyes had been eaten out by jealousy long ago. Now all she could see was green. She retreated to her kingdom of green as she scoffed at all she found undeserving.

Deku Tree
Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1328396
I really should grab some fairies before I go out. Where was that fountain again? 

If I Were King of the Forest
Animation link: https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1329869
...not queen, not duke, not prince.

The Wizard of Spite
Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1330022
Follow the green brick road, it will take you where you want to go. If envy is in your heart and mind, the wizard shall bestow magic unkind. If revenge is what you're looking for, then the wizard's help you may implore.

Into the Forest
Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1329604
Don't worry little one, the forest is a home to everyone. Come with me and witness its wonders.

The story of how a small Harris got lost in a strange part of Neopia.
Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1332332
Hulk smash Harris.

The dreaded Sunday visit...
Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1331874
Mrs Gelert is sat in the zen garden; practicing her deep breathing in preparation for her teenage daughter Pamela presenting herself for inspection before they leave to visit a particularly grouchy old aunt, and when Pamela finally puts in an appearance...

Mrs Gelert: *glares* and just WHAT do you think you're playing at, young lady? You look like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards! And that make-up is completely ridiculous, take it off immediately!

Pamela Gelert: BUT MOM!! THIS IS JUST HOW I AM!!! These clothes are like, SOO old lady!!! and I totally HATE green!!11!!!

Mrs. Gelert: Do as you are told! You know green is Great Aunt Debora's favourite colour, and she likes you in that outfit. Now go and clean that muck off your face and tidy your hair up this minute!

Pamela Gelert: WHATEVER!! *flounces back indoors and slams the door* 

Mirror, Mirror on the Forest Floor...
Animation link: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1332879
Ivy the Green Eyrie always disappeared to her enchanted mirror she hid in the misty forest to ask the same question every night before she could sleep, "Mirror, mirror, on the Forest Floor, Who is the Neopet that all of Neopia must adore?" And when she is shown another Neopet whose inner beauty of kindness shines with a brilliant light, she sighs and says, "Tomorrow I'll try harder to do more good deeds with all my might so that when I ask my mirror again, my reflection will wash away my envy to have my kindness help others to be filled with delight!"

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