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User lookup foreground Pics


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Hi guys,

I have seen this sometimes in certain userlookups that have a picture on the side or bottom that appears to be in the foreground. It stays in place and scrolls with you.

I have been been looking through countless guides to try and learn how to do this but I cannot find info or figure it out.

I do know it is something to do with hovering, but I don't know how to make the image appear in front of everything. 

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :D

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Hi! I believe what you're looking for are called floats, and Silent Serenity used to have them on their page (for some reason they're no longer available there).

I did some poking around and apparently what you need to do is insert the following code between the < style > tags:

.bottom img {
	bottom: 0px;
	left: 0px;
	z-index: 1;

And then insert this outside the style tags:

<div class="bottom"><img src="https://images.neopets.com/themes/000_def_f65b1/rotations/8.png" style="position: fixed;"></div>

And of course, replace the image URL to whatever you want to use.

I'm not sure if this exact code is the one Silent Serenity used to provide, but if I were to use this I would credit them all the same, just in case.

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Ahh! Thank you! That seemed to work!!


As the guides I found wouldn't list how to do this. Trying to crtl + find my way through another person's lookup gave me the code used outside the style tags, but not the inside. What I ended up with was the image floating in the background behind everything.


But, this was perfect, thank you again!

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