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My fiance and I walked to  the farmers market near my house. After we left, I tripped over a bolt embedded in the sidewalk next to the bus stop sign! I landed on all fours, and the epic pain set in immediately. My knees were scraped, dirty, and bleeding. In short, road rash. Got a lovely bruise on my left hand to boot.  Fate can be downright mean. I'm left-handed!


After my fiance cleaned and dressed my wounds (He always keeps a first aid kit on him), we finished our walk to grocery store. Okay, he walked, I hobbled.


My knees are going to be hurting for days. All this fun, and Hurricane Matthew too.


If you read this to the end, thank you for letting this neopian vent.


Ouch! I've been in similar situations, falling like that is not only upsetting and painful, but inconvenient when you have to deal with being sore and not able to get around as well for a while. At least it was just scrapes and bruises and no broken bones! Also, that's a good idea about your fiance always keeping a first aid kit with him.


By the way, I'm left-handed as well =)


Take care and I hope you heal up and feel better real soon!


Good news! I'm walking better today. I'm not relying on a cane so much, but I'm still a little wobbly when I stand up. I'm hoping that will improve tomorrow. Got some major sleep last night. According to Ed, my fiance, I was out cold before the light was turned off.


Oh, my mom saw the bandages today, and she freaked out. I'd bet money she was on the verge of taking me to the ER to check for broken bones and get stitches! If she had, she would have felt mighty foolish after the doctor told her everything that could be done already had been done.


The bruise is looking much better today too. It still hurts a little. This definitely warrants a trip to that coffee house!


funkydragondiva78- Nice to meet another lefty! =)

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