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Enchanted Robe


Hey guys, Im a little confused about this weapon, I RSed it and thought it would make an interesting L54 weapon. How do I test it?


TDN says this, JN doesnt list the light self attack

Your Attack

+[earth.pngearth.png and light.pnglight.png*]





So I guess it does because I took damage. thanks


You blind Jetsam Ace with a Lens Flare and they can't use weapons.    

You blast Jetsam Ace with magic from your Enchanted Robe!

x 2

Damage Taken


Well, according to the TDN entry, it should do the defense no matter what. but in order to activate it's offensive capabilities, your pet's intelligence needs to be 100 or higher. If your battle pet's INT stat is 100 or higher, then you'll defend, but also attack the opponent with it looks like 2 earth icons, and yourself with 2 light icons.


INT weapons are tricky to test, I've never actually tested one myself, but I'd imagine you'd have to narrow down with pets of lower and lower INT, or Higher and Higher INT, to see if you get any special effects or where a special effect might not be activated.


Kinda like the Heavy Robe of Thievery, It defends (a wimpy 2 light icons) all day long, but if your INT and Speed stats are high enough, it will also Steal one item once per battle. Then disappear until the next battle. (NOTE: Stealing is presently glitched and not working in the BD)


Since you already have the enchanted robe, check your pet's stats and see if it meets the conditions to attack and self-attack, if that's what you want it to do. If your pet's stats are less than the requirement for the offensive abilities, it's just a  multi-use shield.


I hope this helps!

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