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While he's little if you can get him into the habit of sleeping without you snuggling him to it that will save you loads of stress later on. Remember there are sleep regressions where they go through changes in they're sleep. These can be quite frustrating, especially after just settling into a routine and getting it jarred again. My second girl was like this and I was so sleep deprived! She's now 2 and most nights needs her cuddles before bed, but she's starting to go find her own spot on the couch while we either watch a movie or a show I recorded earlier in the evening for myself. I let her fall asleep and then take her up to bed and on a good night she sleeps for 9-10 hours. Before getting into this routine I'd have to hold her and snuggle her for hours until she fell asleep. She finally didn't start settling into this nicer routine until about 18 months.


It's easier said then done, but try your best to establish a routine and stick to it.


The way my house is set up right now our 2 year old has her crib in our room and her sister is unfortunately still sleeping in our bed. I'm regretting my decision to let her come sleep with us, she's 4 and won't sleep in her own bed (yet). Most nights I have to get our 4 year old down first, then the younger one can settle down and relax. Bit of a juggling act, but we make it work.


I'm not sure how old your little guy is, but when he's old enough if he has a favorite snack that's healthy and low sugar make that his bedtime snack. With our 2 year old she knows as soon as she has her applesauce it's snuggles and bedtime.


Just wanted to offer my perspective and experience. In the future if you need any tips/tricks or helpful advice feel free to PM me. I'm always willing to share stories and experiences with other Mums. :)


Good luck getting restful sleeps in your house and I hope your little guy takes it somewhat easy on you. :)


Thanks for the advice Mouseykins. We do our best to get him in his crib as he's starting to get sleepy though it doesn't always work out that way. We're working on a routine. His first night home he spent less than an hour in our room. I couldn't handle it so at night it's his crib & try to get him there during daytime naps too. He had a pretty wakeful day today with short naps so we're hoping for a good nights rest for all of us again tonight :)


I gather he's not very old then, so you're definitely off to a good start! :)


I don't know if you have one but a bassinet helped us out a TON! Our first didn't go to her crib until she was about 6 months old and getting too big for her bassinet. She wasn't trying to escape yet so we were able to get away with it, plus we didn't buy one until we needed it.


With our oldest being in our bed, I made the living room the "nursery" for the first couple of months until we got her into her crib. She slept in the bassinet and I slept on the couch. That way I could watch TV and we wouldn't bother anyone throughout the night. When she was about 2 months old we bought a cradle and swing from Fisher Price and she LOVED that thing. It helped a great deal for naps and bedtime. If she was restless and fighting the sleep at night I'd plop her in her swing, turn it on and just leave her there. I know it's recommended not for prolonged periods but seriously when they're that little and it works, you need all the help you can get lol. When she grew out of it, we had to readjust to everything. By that time if she fell asleep in her swing I'd still carefully bring her up to her crib so she wouldn't be there all night.


When you find something that works, stick to it. No sense rocking the sleep boat any more then necessary.


That's good that he's had a wakeful day! Hopefully he'll rest good for you tonight!


Gotta love how they spoil you with a solid stretch of sleep only to go back to a few hours the next night.


Awe those are not fun for the lil ones! But he should sleep more as the medicine works through his system. Just watch for a fever because that will make him extra irritable and harder to sleep, so I usually give them Tylenol when we get home and then before bed. We go to the evening clinics due to our schedules so I didn't have to keep dosing them all day. :)


We had a 6 hour stretch that night too. Our office isn't open past 5 so morning appointments for us. He did pretty good with it. Last night we had another 6 hour stretch & actually got to sleep in this morning. He fought sleep most of today so hopefully he'll rest well tonight.


That's good news for you all!


My youngest will most likely be up rather late tonight. We did a fair bit of traveling today and she sleeps in her car seat quite a bit. I'll probably be up gaming tonight anyways, so no real worries. Silly girl crashed on the couch last night after her shower. At 5am she rolls off the couch, lands on her bum and not her head or back for a change. Diaper provided some padding lol! Here I was just starting to fall asleep, heard the thud and expected an all out crying fit of pain and anger. Instead I just picked her up and snuggled her for a minute, then laid her back down and she went right back to sleep. Usually I push the coffee table up against the couch since it's the same level and put a blanket over it, but I had no extra blankets downstairs and forgot all about it until the *thud*. I'm hoping she's not up partying all night tonight, because I am exhausted and still somewhat coming out of the anesthesia  from my dentist appointment this afternoon.


Here's to a good night for us both! :)


Oh I'm glad it wasn't a bad fall. It's funny how we can be pretty certain in our expectations and then kids do something completely opposite. I've gotten a 6 hour stretch so far tonight. Hope you're able to rest & recover well :)


Yay! I got about 10 hours, not straight through though, I got woken up a couple of times. My 2 year old last night was bouncing off the walls and refused to settle down so finally at 2am I decided to put Brave on for her to watch and crashed on the couch. I woke up a while later and she was passed out on the other side of the couch. Even falling on her head from being pushed off the couch by her big sister didn't even settle her down.


That's a nice amount. Kids have so much energy! I'm glad she finally fell asleep. We've been having 5 1/2-6 hour stretches every night since Friday. I still wake up before he does :p We're having some friends over with their kids tomorrow night so hopefully it still works out okay since he'll be in our room. I know at some point it's all going to change anyway but I'm enjoying the uninterrupted sleep for now :)


I hope everything worked out good for you and your little guy kept his current sleeping pattern.


We're having a late night over here tonight. The girls are up watching Beauty and the Beast right now. My oldest fell asleep a while ago but woke up because her leg feel asleep and it hurt her and she got a bit scared and now doesn't want to go to bed. The young one is up to her usual nonsense of fighting the sleep and unfortunately she's not too interested in the movie and keeps coming over to bug me and I'm trying to watch a show on my computer.


The weekend went well, but last night was rough up every couple of hours. I'm hoping that we'll get back on track tonight. Sorry you had a rough night. That pins & needles feeling is not fun when your leg falls asleep. Hope your little one finally gave in to sleep. It's so frustrating when they fight it especially when you know it's exactly what they need.

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