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Hello everyone! So I just registered to use the forums today, but I've been using this site for all of it's wonderful guides and dailies for quite a while. I've been playing Neopets for a very long time, but when I was a kid, I couldn't figure out how to activate my account, so it was lost somewhere in space! The account I use now is 12 years old. I've come and gone over the years, but in the past few months I've been super active. I find that Neopets is super relaxing in between my school assignments!


In real life, I'm a education major and hopefully (if I don't mess up!) will have my bachelors degree in December.  :graduated: I live in a state with beaches (yes!!) and I have a  grouping of interests, such as riding my four-wheeler, playing my 3DS/XB1, fishing, painting, being obsessed with owls and orcas and spider-man, and pretty much any outdoor activity.


I'm excited to be here and communicate with others who enjoy Neopets as much as I do. :rock:  Neopets was a part of my childhood that I still get to hold on to, and I love that you can just keep improving all the time with it and it's just awesome to know that there is such a loyal fan base with them.


Looking forward to being here!!! :laughingsmiley: 

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Hi! Welcome to the forums! I'm relatively new here as well but I love it. The sense of community is great. Also, I collect owl things so we have that in common! I have a degree in Fine Arts so I draw and paint. I was pursuing education but I worked at a preschool for a bit and that completely made me change my mind XD I'm sure older kids are much less daunting and are more fun to work with. What age group/grade are you hoping to teach?


Side note: I'm 90% positive I've commented on the customization of your Hissi when you were asking to color it Camoflauge or something similar. I think it looks great painted Island as you have it :)

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Welcome to TDN forums/community ryzegazelle! Eternallypeachy is right, you have some awesome Neopets and well customized. I find TDN helpful and truly life-saving for the Daily Dare. I think it's admirable that you are in Education- my mom is an Elementary teacher/Librarian at a private school and I KNOW I don't want to do that!  :sad01_anim: I also found it funny that you both like owls bc my mom is obsessed with owls too! Is that a teacher thing? The owl is considered wise in American culture but in Pakistani culture the owl is considered foolish.  :rolleyes_anim:

Well, I hope you find what you need here on TDN and have lots of success playing on Neopets! Don't be shy to get on and tell us what's going on. I learn so much just from reading these posts and appreciate the community spirit that is encouraged here. :rock:

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Hi and welcome ryzegazelle! The TDN forums are a life saver to me, especially with the Daily Dare, everyone is super kind and helpful.  Your lookup is amazing, your pets are awesome.


I look forward to your posts in the future and good luck on the Bachelors! I also live in FL, and know how badly good teachers are needed here!

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