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Pirate Usul Morphing Potion


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Hey everyone,


This is my first post to the forum. Anyways I just got a Pirate Usul Morphing Potion from Anchor Management, pretty excited! I've never owned a Neopet paintbrush or morphing potion before (despite my account being 12.5 years old, I'm a pretty intermittent player), so I'm kind of wondering where to go from here.


I suppose I could sell it on the trading post and get some NP to buy a paintbrush for one of my current pets. I also have only have ever had 3 pets for some reason (could never decide on a 4th), so this could be an opportunity to fill that space. I've never given Usuls much thought and wouldn't normally consider getting one, but the pirate sprite is growing on me.


I have zero experience with the trading post, any suggestions if I go that route?

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Wow, congrats on getting such a good prize from Anchor Management! The best thing I've ever gotten is a dubloon...


As for what to do with the potion, well, obviously that's up to you. If you want a Pirate Usul, go for it. If you don't, sell it and use the nps for something you actually want.


If you do want to sell it, the Trading Post is probably your best bet. Shops have a maximum price of 99,999 nps, and the potion is definitely worth more than that (a quick search indicates that the going price is 350-400k). The good news is that you got it for free, so whatever you sell it for is pure profit!


On the other hand, if you use it on a pet and then decide you actually don't want a Pirate Usul, there's always the option of pet trading. It's not something I ever got into myself, but a lot of people do it! 

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