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Does your Neoquest game get deleted after a while?

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I went to the neoquest page to find "click to start a new game". I know I had a game started about a couple years ago, and the last time this happened I assumed it was with a different pet so I made sure it was with my main (and only) pet this time. Does anyone know if neoquest game getting deleted is normal, or has this happened to you?


EDIT: Okay just found an answer at <http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/45252-how-long-did-it-take-you-to-finish-nqi-and-nqii/>"Just make sure that if you take a break from it for awhile that you at least make a couple of moves a month.  Otherwise the game could time out and you'd need to start over."


That is very annoying, I wish Neopets had warned about that...


So here's a new question: anyone know how long it takes to "time out" and erase your game in NQI & NQII?


I think I remember hearing it was every 3 months (maybe 6?), but I can't recall at all where I've read that.   Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was my sister who told me about that, but she hasn't played Neopets in years at this point so I doubt she'd remember.  So yeah, I recommend people play a few moves every month just to be on the safe side.  


I'm working on NQ2 for a gold trophy right now but I'm playing once or twice a week these days so I'm making slow progress.  Good luck on your game!


Here's the maps I use: http://www.jellyneo.net/?go=neoquest2

Here's the guide for skills I use:  http://www.neopets.com/~Winnie_1964


A NQ game is also unique to your pet (not your user account), so if you think your game may have disappeared, make sure you have the correct pet as your active!

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