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Congratulations, to our winners of #giveathon2k16! Here are the top 10 winners, and there prizes!


1. rawrieatsjoo - 250k

2. blue_ied_girl12 - 50k

3. arctic_fox790 - 50k

4. Lindyaol  - 50k

5. shinnraygon - 20k

6. starshines6 - 20k

7. butterflybaby8628 - 20k

8. jollyrogermermaid - 20k

9. angelzstar0809 - 20k

10. mello_is_mine - 20k


Thank you everyone who participated! All participates who are not in the ten, will receive a participation prize of 2k! 

Neomail Ashleey110 to set up a private trade to recieve your prize!!


More of these contests will come in the near future, Make sure to neofriend me if you would like to continue these contests! feel free to neomail me at anytime! I'm very friendly!


Total prizes - 546k!

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