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This should be simple... :/


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All I want to do is swap where these two categories appear in my TFR gallery.  It just feels like it would look nicer if it went Brynn, Hanso, Xandra on the top row, and Wraith and Stone Ruins on the bottom.  I've tried renaming the two categories in the "Create or Edit Theme Category" section, but that didn't work.  Honestly, I'm kind of at a loss at what else to try.  I have no real experience coding.  I've been collecting a while but only recently been trying to fix it up for the Gallery Spotlight.  


There must be a way to do this, right?  I just need some help/suggestions please.


Here's my gallery so you can see what I mean:




Thanks in advance!

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Seems the categories stay in alphabetical order... This is a weird solution but what if you put a dot in front of Brynn, Hanso and Xandra? Like this: .Brynn  .Hanso  .Xandra. This should make them stay on the top row. Any other symbol instead of a dot should work too.


Nice gallery by the way. I hope you win the Gallery Spotlight!

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Not an expert in the area, at all, but are you able to manually edit the HTML code for your gallery? If so, line 576, when viewing the "page source", is where the "table" is created for your categories. You can "swap" the links/code for "Stone Ruins" (<a href='index.phtml?user_cat_g=Stone+Ruins&gu=breaziecat&' class='textcolor'>Stone Ruins</a>) with the links/code for "Xandria (<a href='index.phtml?user_cat_g=Xandra&gu=breaziecat&' class='textcolor'>Xandra</a>).


The "Create or Edit Theme Categories" Neopets made to help easily create categories, appears to automatically alphabetize them. Unfortunately, I do not believe there is a way to change that, unless you re-name your categories like 1_Brynn, 2_Hanso, 3_Xandria, 4_Stone Ruins, and 5_Wraith, which may not be aesthetically pleasing. I, also, do not know if going back to the "Create or Edit Theme Categories" after manually editing the HTML code will cause your categories to re-alphabetize or mess-up that page.


Maybe someone else with more "coding" experience has a better answer and will post, but maybe this will be helpful. Good luck!

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