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Is this allowed?


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Previously I changed my lookup to better show my growing pet family. I listed Joshua, my grarrl foundling, without all the numbers after his name as it helps me connect with him and makes him like my other pets. I am okay with _s just not a fan of numbers. 


On NP's user info I just noticed this


"About Me 
Please remember that all your REAL stats must be visible. Hiding or covering them (and retyping the info yourself) is not allowed."


Is listing joshua instead of joshua5001111 on my UL a freezable offence?  My data-years played, avatars, trophies etc--- are correct. 

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I actually asked this question a little while ago on the boards! People on there told me that I shouldn't hide or change any of my pets names/stats that are on my actual account but the side pets you can link/write anything.. I'm not sure how correct this information was, but I'm always scared of getting frozen so I just left everything on mine and followed their advice T__T

It looks nicer how you have it though~ ( which btw, your lookup is super cute! (: )

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Let's have a look at an Editorial answer:

Hi! Well, I was wondering about User Lookup requirements. I know stats and trophies and stuff are required on lookups, but also showing our 'pets is required as well. I was told by another user that my lookup was against the rules, even though I was showing all of my pets.... just with pictures and links. I was looking for clarification on how exactly we must have our 'pets shown on our lookups. Like, do we need to have their level / gender / name shown, or can we just link to all of the 'pets with one of the "preview" icons? ~dusseldorf_
The text about the Neopet doesn't need to be there on your User Lookup, but it cannot be hidden or misrepresented on the Pet Lookup. Also, all links must work, so the Neopet images must link to their respective Pet Lookups. Also, Neopets may not be misrepresented with art or customisation that is not their own. If you want to put up an image of your "dream customisation" for them, you can put it in their description, but you may not cover their image with it either on your UL or Pet Lookup. To put it simply, players must be able to verify all your public account and Neopets' information without anything being misrepresented or hidden.

So, it looks like you're safe to put "Joshua" on your own lookup, provided that you don't change any information on his own pet lookup.

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