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I thought it would be helpful to have a topic about the new way to code lookups and guild layouts...


I'm still trying to all figure it out, but so far I know how to get ride of all side bars...


#header {display: none;}
#footer {display: none;}
.sidebar {display: none;}
.contentHeader {display: none;}
.content {display: block;}


And how to but a transparent background to the table (which contains council, links, poll and admin in guild)

table, td {background: transparent;}


You can also replace the transparent with any color of your choice

table, td {background: #000000;}


Now, my eyes are burning, so I think I'll go sleep...

Happy coding! I'm sure all webmasters are happy to know they will have to recode all their neolayouts... :crying:

I'm sure all webmasters are happy to know they will have to recode all their neolayouts...

Haha, gotta love sarcasm <_<


I think most people's old layouts are pretty much a write-off, I'm certainly not going to attempt to make mine fit the new Neo - time to start over I feel :( I'm working on a new guild layout template at present, will post if I can get it working...


Here is a fully functional code for a layout, not to great, but this is just my first release!

I am currently working on making one that will make it look just like the old ones, but have had very little success...

/* CSS by King_Of_Gifts */
/* Please leave credit */

/* Removals */
#header, #footer, #contentcontent {

#main {

.contentModuleTable {

/* Borders on the tables */
.contentModule {
border:1px solid #000;

/* Main Header (User Info) */
.contentModuleHeader {

/* Other Headers */

/* Main Table */
#content {
margin:0 0 0 100px;
border-left:1px solid #000;
border-right:1px solid #000;

/* Background Color */

body {

/* Optional: Horizontal Rules */
hr {
border:1px solid #000;

/* Font */
body, font, td, div, .medText {
font:12px arial;

/* Links */
a, a b {

/* Hover on links */
a:hover, a:hover b {

/* Navigation box */
#box {
border:1px solid #000;
margin:0 0 5px 0;

#box a {

#box a:hover {

/* Navigation Header */
h1 {
font:18px arial;


<div id="box">
<a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a> -
<a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a> -
<a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Game Room</a> -
<a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards</a> -
<a href="/objects.phtml">Shops</a> -
<a href="/nf.phtml">News</a>

<div id="box">
<h1>My Account</h1>
<a href="/myaccount.phtml">Control Panel</a> -
<a href="/userinfo.phtml">Edit Profile</a> -
<a href="/preferences.phtml">Preferences</a> -
<a href="/neomessages.phtml">Neomail</a> -
<a href="/neofriends.phtml">Neofriends</a> -
<a href="/reg/page5.phtml">Create a Pet</a>

<div id="box">
<h1>About Me</h1>

Type your information here!

Template by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=king_of_gifts">king_of_gifts</a>.<br>


Well, after hours working through guild layout codes, I've got a functional guild layout code :D You can see the actual layout here. In the course of that I really only learnt one thing of value to anyone else - how to make the guild council/links/poll bit move over to the very left of the screen:

#main {position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;}

I'm guessing that the same id could be use to make the white part transparent, but I never needed to do that so I'm not sure, someone could try it.

After all that I'm off to bed, my brain is fried lol

Well, after hours working through guild layout codes, I've got a functional guild layout code :D You can see the actual layout here.


Actually, your layout is messed up in firefox...


I use firefox if anyone is in need of screenies feel free to PM/MSN me at any time. I would be more than happy to help. ;) Good luck all of you coding people.


Thanks TJ :) I downloaded it though, I think I'm going to need it for testing >.<


Anyway, my guild layout is mostly fixed - I'd left out the "px" after the positioning of the images (thats what I get for coding at 1 AM) which apparently FF didn't like - the scroll bar still isn't showing up with the right colours and stuff, does anyone know why that might be? I can't seem to figure it out...


The only plus to all this is its forcing me to organise my image hosting accounts, they were a bit of a mess lol


Yep, your guild is mainly ok now Isabel.

The scrollbar css doesn't work in Firefox, so you can't fix it :P


I'm done with my guild, if you want to see.


Darkjaganshi was kind enough to let me use his full page code at the condition I give him credits, so I did.


Scrollbar CSS doesn't work in FF? Well that annoying lol


Did something go wrong with your layout? Its just a Meepit saying its coming soon...




In other news I've now finished a template for lookups, that works in both IE and FF. I can post it if anyone is interested, otherwise I've started to update some of my premades, hoping to get more done tomorrow.


My guild layout is totally stuffed. And you made such a good one, Isabel. :(


I have a guild layout template now Myriad - once I've finished converting my premades over I'll do you another one okay?










To remove the white background thats left over after you remove the header and footer and stuff:

#main {background: none; border: 0px;}

You can also replace "none" with any colour or hex code you want to change the white background to another colour.


Oh, you don't have to! Thanks so much! :)


I have no idea how to even get a background anymore. :( I am so bad.

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